File #: 22-1153    Version: 1 Name: Release of contingency for CFSPM facility
Type: Action Report Status: Signed
File created: 11/8/2022 In control: County Clerk
On agenda: Final action: 12/19/2022
Title: An action report from the Directors of Department of Administrative Services requesting release of $112,399,560 from allocated contingency as proposed in the 2023 Budget for the Center for Forensic Science and Protective Medicine facility to house Milwaukee County's Offices of the Medical Examiner and Emergency Management.
Attachments: 1. 22-1153 REPORT, 2. 22-1153 RESOLUTION, 3. 22-1153 FISCAL NOTE, 4. 22-1153 DETAILED PLANS (received 12/02/22), 5. 22-1153 DRAFT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT (received 12/02/22), 6. 22-1153 POWERPOINT (12/08/22), 7. 22-1153 COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION, 8. 22-1153 SIGNATURE PAGE
Related files: 16-393, 16-721, 17-298, 18-484, 18-764, 19-625, 19-705, 19-805, 20-237, 20-235, 20-610, 21-262, 21-920, 22-855, HRA22-272, 22-1040, 25-100, 25-140


An action report from the Directors of Department of Administrative Services requesting release of $112,399,560 from allocated contingency as proposed in the 2023 Budget for the Center for Forensic Science and Protective Medicine facility to house Milwaukee County’s Offices of the Medical Examiner and Emergency Management.

