File #: 18-176    Version: 1 Name: Employ Milwaukee contract for reentry grant
Type: Action Report Status: Signed
File created: 2/13/2018 In control: County Clerk's Office
On agenda: Final action: 4/6/2018
Title: From the Superintendent, House of Correction (HOC), requesting retrocative authorization to execute a contract with Employ Milwaukee in the amount of $64,500 in order to hire and retain a Reentry Case Manager to provide planning and coordination for the Evidence Based Decision Making Jail Reentry Pilot Site Project at the HOC for the period effective March 18, 2018, through March 17, 2019, with four possible one-year extensions based on grant funding awards received.
Attachments: 1. 18-176 REPORT, 2. 18-176 RESOLUTION, 3. 18-176 REVISED RESOLUTION (03/01/18), 4. 18-176 REVISED RESOLUTION (03/06/18), 5. 18-176 FISCAL NOTE, 6. 18-176 REVISED FISCAL NOTE (03/01/18), 7. 18-176 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT, 8. 18-176 COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION, 9. 18-176 Signature Page.pdf
Related files: 18-131, 22-1103, 24-887, 19-58, 21-253


From the Superintendent, House of Correction (HOC), requesting retrocative authorization to execute a contract with Employ Milwaukee in the amount of $64,500 in order to hire and retain a Reentry Case Manager to provide planning and coordination for the Evidence Based Decision Making Jail Reentry Pilot Site Project at the HOC for the period effective March 18, 2018, through March 17, 2019, with four possible one-year extensions based on grant funding awards received.

