File #: ORD 11-18    Version: 1 Name: Memo from the Employee Benefits Workgroup regarding Medicare Part B
Type: Ordinance Status: Published
File created: 9/6/2011 In control: County Clerk
On agenda: Final action: 10/17/2011
Title: From the Employee Benefits Workgroup, requesting authorization to implement provisions of the 2011 Adopted Budget Org. Unit 1950-Employee Fringe Benefits, for non-public safety worker employees as it pertains to the Medicare Part B premium reimbursement permitted by 2011 Wisconsin Acts 10 and 32. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.)
Attachments: 1. REPORT, 2. RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE, 3. FISCAL NOTE, 4. ATTACHMENT, 5. Audio F&A 09/22/11, 6. Audio PER 09/23/11, 7. CB Resolution/Ordinance, 8. ORD 11-18 Ordinance Publication.pdf, 9. Publication Proof
Related files: ORD 11-9, 11-221
From the Employee Benefits Workgroup, requesting authorization to implement provisions of the 2011 Adopted Budget Org. Unit 1950-Employee Fringe Benefits, for non-public safety worker employees as it pertains to the Medicare Part B premium reimbursement permitted by 2011 Wisconsin Acts 10 and 32.  (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.)