A resolution supporting the “Aerotropolis Act of 2011.”
by recommending adoption of the following:
WHEREAS, as the world shifts towards a globalized economy, market opportunities are expanding and the demand for businesses to ship and receive goods more frequently and rapidly over long distances is increasing; and
WHEREAS, in order to serve today’s economic demands of connectivity, speed and flexibility, a new system comprising multimodal transportation networks and aviation-intensive businesses dubbed “aerotropolises’” are developing around the world; and
WHEREAS, development of aerotropolis transportation systems is crucial to U.S. economic competitiveness to attract corporate headquarters, warehouses, and logistics centers; and
WHEREAS, currently there is a bill before the United States Congress titled the Aerotropolis Act of 2011 with Representative Gwen Moore as a co-sponsor; and
WHEREAS, this act directs the U.S. Secretary of Transportation to establish a grant program that would provide funding assistance to local entities for planning, design, environmental review, and land acquisition activities for aerotropolis transportation projects and development of intelligent transportation systems as well as highways, bridges, and public transportation systems that could benefit Milwaukee’s port, terminals, and multimodal terminal facilities and increase access to ports and airports; and
WHEREAS, this act also would amend the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) to ensure that projects that assist in the establishment of aerotropolis transportation systems are eligible to receive funds under the Projects of National and Regional Significance Program; and
WHEREAS, many aerotropolis transportation systems throughout the country are developing slowly because local entities lack the requisite funding for preconstruction activities; and
WHEREAS, without federal support and in...
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