File #: 23-1039    Version: 1 Name: A resolution requesting the Department of Administrative Services, division of Facilities Management, to provide an informational report no later than the March 2024 meeting cycle that studies the potential addition of solar photovoltaic system(s) to the
Type: Resolution Status: Signed
File created: 12/5/2023 In control: County Clerk
On agenda: Final action: 12/29/2023
Title: Requesting the Department of Administrative Services, division of Facilities Management, to provide an informational report no later than the March 2024 meeting cycle that studies the potential addition of solar photovoltaic system(s) to the new Coggs Building Project parking lot for the generation of electricity.
Sponsors: Marcelia Nicholson, Priscilla E. Coggs-Jones, Felesia A. Martin, Peter Burgelis, Caroline Gómez-Tom, Kathleen Vincent, Steven Shea, Patti Logsdon, Willie Johnson, Jr.
Attachments: 1. 23-1039 RESOLUTION, 2. 23-1039 FISCAL NOTE, 3. 23-1039 COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION, 4. 23-1039 SIGNATURE PAGE
Related files: 23-529, 23-43, 20-385, 20-496, 22-818, 22-64, 17-506, 19-582, 21-389, 21-770, 23-485, 23-986, 24-769, 24-337


Requesting the Department of Administrative Services, division of Facilities Management, to provide an informational report no later than the March 2024 meeting cycle that studies the potential addition of solar photovoltaic system(s) to the new Coggs Building Project parking lot for the generation of electricity.

