File #: 23-986    Version: 1 Name: Informational Report CA50 Plan Update
Type: Informational Report Status: Archived
File created: 11/8/2023 In control: County Clerk's Office
On agenda: Final action: 12/11/2023
Title: This informational report provides updates regarding Milwaukee County's strategic plan to achieve carbon neutrality in county facilities and operations by 2050 - hereafter referred to as the 'Climate Action 2050 Plan', or 'CA50 Plan.' (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)
Attachments: 1. 23-986 REPORT, 2. 23-986 REVISED REPORT (received 12/08/23), 3. 23-986 ENGAGEMENT TO DATE, 4. 23-986 MAY 2023 COMMUNITY WORKSHOP NOTES, 5. 23-986 VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT (corrected), 6. 23-986 EMISSIONS ASSESSMENT REPORT, 7. 23-986 POWERPOINT (received 12/08/23)
Related files: 23-529, 23-485, 20-496, 22-818, 22-64, 23-43, 17-506, 19-582, 20-385, 21-389, 21-770, 24-433, 25-109, 23-1039


This informational report provides updates regarding Milwaukee County’s strategic plan to achieve carbon neutrality in county facilities and operations by 2050 - hereafter referred to as the ‘Climate Action 2050 Plan’, or ‘CA50 Plan.’ (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)

