File #: 22-359    Version: 1 Name: 22 GO Parameters Res
Type: Action Report Status: Signed
File created: 2/17/2022 In control: County Clerk
On agenda: Final action: 4/7/2022
Title: From the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, requesting approval of parameters resolutions issuing an amount not to exceed $90,630,000 in General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds or Promissory Notes to finance various capital projects.
Attachments: 1. 22-359 REPORT, 2. 22-359 RESOLUTION, 3. 22-359 FISCAL NOTE, 4. 22-359 COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION, 5. 22-359 SIGNATURE PAGE
Related files: 21-753, 21-314, 21-1024, 22-116, 23-123


From the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, requesting approval of parameters resolutions issuing an amount not to exceed $90,630,000 in General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds or Promissory Notes to finance various capital projects.