Meeting Name: Judiciary, Safety and General Services Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/9/2020 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: County Legislative Information Center
VIRTUAL MEETING This meeting was live-streamed on the County Legislative Information Center: https://milwaukeecounty.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
20-34 11JSGS Reference File for Public CommentsReference FilePublic written comments submitted by email to all members of the Committee on Judiciary, Safety, and General Services via JSGS@milwaukeecountywi.gov (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) The Office of the County Clerk collects written comments submitted via JSGS@milwaukeecountywi.gov, and appends these official public records to Reference File No. 20-34.DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Video Video
20-504 12Informational Report – Status and Use of Free Birth Certificate ProgramInformational ReportInformational Report - Status and Use of Free Birth Certificate Program. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)RECONSIDEREDPass Action details Video Video
20-504 1 Informational Report – Status and Use of Free Birth Certificate ProgramInformational ReportInformational Report - Status and Use of Free Birth Certificate Program. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Video Video
20-444 13From the Wisconsin Policy Forum, submitting a report titled, "Who's in Charge? Assessing the Options for Corrections Administration in Milwaukee County."Informational ReportFrom the Wisconsin Policy Forum, submitting a report titled, “Who’s in Charge? Assessing the Options for Corrections Administration in Milwaukee County.” (Referred to the Committees on Judiciary, Safety, and General Services, and Finance) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)RECOMMENDED TO BE RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILEPass Action details Video Video
20-455 14Item 20-455 From the County Executive requesting that the House of Correction remains under the County Executive’s Administration and creating a taskforce to make recommendations for enhancing evidence-based programming to reduce recidivism: ItAction ReportItem 20-455 From the County Executive requesting that the House of Correction remains under the County Executive’s Administration and creating a task force to make recommendations for enhancing evidence-based programming to reduce recidivism. (Referred to the Committees on Judiciary, Safety, and General Services, and Finance)AMENDEDPass Action details Video Video
20-455 1 Item 20-455 From the County Executive requesting that the House of Correction remains under the County Executive’s Administration and creating a taskforce to make recommendations for enhancing evidence-based programming to reduce recidivism: ItAction ReportItem 20-455 From the County Executive requesting that the House of Correction remains under the County Executive’s Administration and creating a task force to make recommendations for enhancing evidence-based programming to reduce recidivism. (Referred to the Committees on Judiciary, Safety, and General Services, and Finance)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AS AMENDEDPass Action details Video Video
20-480 15Offer of Judgment in Lloyd Johnson v. Milwaukee CountyAction ReportFrom the Office of Corporation Counsel requesting authorization to serve an Offer of Judgment in Lloyd Johnson v. Milwaukee County, Case No. 2018-CV-1322, related to a 2012 injury sustained by Mr. Johnson at Milwaukee County’s Behavioral Health Division, by recommending adoption of the following:RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
20-12 162020 OCC Status of Pending LitigationReference FileFrom Corporation Counsel, Office of Corporation Counsel, providing an informational report regarding the status of pending litigation. (Considered by the Committees on Judiciary, Safety, and General Services, and Finance) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Video Video
20-13 172020 OCC Settlement PaymentsReference FileFrom Corporation Counsel, Office of Corporation Counsel, providing an informational report regarding settlement payments. (Considered by the Committees on Judiciary, Safety, and General Services, and Finance) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Video Video