| 1 | 1 | Guardian ad Litem Services | Action Report | From the Chief Judge, First Judicial District, and the Clerk of Circuit Court, Combined Court Related Operations, requesting authorization to execute a contract with the Legal Aid Society in the amount of $2,275,296 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019, and $2,472,802 for FY 2020, for guardian ad litem services in Family and Children’s Division court cases for the period effective January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2020; with a one-year extension option in the amount of $2,521,258 for FY 2021. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 2 | Notif. of Revenue Deficits over $75,000 | Informational Report | From the Sheriff, Office of the Sheriff, providing an informational report regarding notification of a projected net revenue deficit in the amount of $315,076, as of September 21, 2018, due to less than anticipated inmate telephone revenue in 2018. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
| 1 | 3 | MCSO NS Traffic Mitigation Contract | Action Report | From the Undersheriff, Office of the Sheriff, requesting retroactive authorization to execute an Agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation in the amount of $528,504.04, to mitigate traffic impacts and ensure emergency response capabilities during the Interstate 94 North South Project (North Segment) for the period effective September 4, 2018, through December 31, 2019. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 4 | 2018 Milwaukee Public Museum Financial Statements | Reference File | From the Interim President and Chief Executive Officer, Milwaukee Public Museum, providing an informational report regarding financial statements. (Considered by the Committees on Parks, Energy, and Environment, and Finance and Audit) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | RECOMMENDED TO BE RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILE | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 5 | K9 Donation | Action Report | From the Superintendent, House of Correction (HOC), requesting authorization to accept two trained German Shepherd dogs donated by the Wisconsin Veterinary Referral Center to be the HOC’s newest patrol/narcotic detection canines. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 6 | 2018 HOC Telephone Revenue Deficit | Informational Report | From the Superintendent, House of Correction, providing an informational report regarding notification of a projected net revenue deficit in the amount of $129,189, as of October 5, 2018, due to less than anticipated inmate telephone revenue, creating a total deficit in the amount of $155,114 for service fee charges. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
| 1 | 7 | From the Director of the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) requesting authorization to execute an agreement with Deer District LLC (ArenaCo) for the provision of emergency medical services during events at the Fiserv Forum arena. | Action Report | From the Director, Office of Emergency Management, requesting retroactive authorization to execute a Service Agreement with Deer District, LLC (ArenaCo), to provide licensed paramedic-level emergency medical services staff to patrons, employees, and vendors during events at the Fiserv Forum arena for the period effective August 1, 2018, through October 31, 2023; to be reimbursed by ArenaCo at cost, plus a 20 percent administration fee, generating an estimated $1.1 million in revenue over the five-year term. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 8 | Milwaukee Yacht Club Lease Extension | Action Report | From the Director, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Culture, requesting retroactive authorization to execute a Lease Agreement with the Milwaukee Yacht Club with total expected revenue in the amount of $2,686,061, for land within McKinley Marina for the period effective January 7, 2017, through January 9, 2042, with one 25-year extension. | AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Milwaukee Yacht Club Lease Extension | Action Report | From the Director, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Culture, requesting retroactive authorization to execute a Lease Agreement with the Milwaukee Yacht Club with total expected revenue in the amount of $2,686,061, for land within McKinley Marina for the period effective January 7, 2017, through January 9, 2042, with one 25-year extension. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 9 | A resolution/ordinance to amend Section 201.24 of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances relating to the Employees’ Retirement System to improve the accuracy of benefit calculations and to provide procedures to resolve payment errors | Ordinance | A resolution/ordinance to amend Section 201.24 of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances regarding the Employees’ Retirement System to improve the accuracy of benefit calculations, and to provide procedures to resolve payment errors. (Referred to the Committees on Personnel, and Finance and Audit (F&A); Pension Board; and Pension Study Commission) (10/29/18 F&A Meeting: Laid Over to the Call of the Chairperson) (12/13/18 CB Meeting: Referred to F&A) (02/07/19 CB Meeting: Referred to F&A, and Corporation Counsel for Legal Opinion) | LAID OVER TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 10 | Waiver Request for former IT Interns | Action Report | From the Chief Information Officer, Information Management Services Division, Department of Administrative Services (IMSD-DAS), requesting a waiver of Section 9.05(3)(a) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances, in order for Mr. Kristian Heinrich and Ms. Pansyette T. Hart, former Information Technology (IT) Interns, to provide contracted services to IMSD-DAS; and requesting future authorization to retain any IT Intern as a contractor through a temporary agency. | AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Waiver Request for former IT Interns | Action Report | From the Chief Information Officer, Information Management Services Division, Department of Administrative Services (IMSD-DAS), requesting a waiver of Section 9.05(3)(a) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances, in order for Mr. Kristian Heinrich and Ms. Pansyette T. Hart, former Information Technology (IT) Interns, to provide contracted services to IMSD-DAS; and requesting future authorization to retain any IT Intern as a contractor through a temporary agency. | APPROVED BY STANDING COMMITTEE | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 11 | A resolution to equip Milwaukee County’s Department of Health and Human Needs - Housing Division to compassionately and meaningfully respond to the needs of Milwaukee County’s homelessness by creating one additional Community Outreach Specialist position | Resolution | A resolution to equip the Housing Division, Department of Health and Human Services, to compassionately and meaningfully respond to the needs of Milwaukee County’s homelessness by creating one additional full-time equivalent Community Outreach Specialist position and allocating $75,000 towards the Rapid Re-Housing Program for the unsheltered homeless population. (10/29/18: Laid Over to the Call of the Chair) | LAID OVER TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 12 | 2018 TEAMCO MOA | Action Report | From the Director of Employee Relations, Department of Human Resources, requesting ratification of the 2018 Memorandum of Agreement between Milwaukee County (the County) and the bargaining unit for the Technicians, Engineers, and Architects of the County. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 13 | October Fund Transfers | Action Report | From the Director, Office of Performance, Strategy, and Budget, Department of Administrative Services, submitting a 2018 Appropriation Transfer Packet for the October 2018 cycle. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 14 | Authorization to pay for actuarial services | Action Report | From the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, requesting authorization to pay The Segal Company (Midwest), Inc., $6,737.50 for actuarial services; and requesting a waiver of Sections 56.30(8) and (9) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 15 | June 30 Project Status | Informational Report | From the Capital Finance Manager, Office of the Comptroller, providing a semi-annual informational report regarding the status of projects within the Capital Improvements Program as of June 30, 2018. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | RECOMMENDED TO BE RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILE | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 16 | 2018 Contract Notifications | Reference File | From the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, providing an informational report regarding contract notifications received pursuant to Sections 44.09(e), 46.09(8), and 56.30(8) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
| 1 | 17 | 2018 Year-end Fiscal Projection | Reference File | From the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, providing an informational report regarding the 2018 year-end fiscal projection for Milwaukee County. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
| 1 | 18 | 2018 Pending Litigation | Reference File | From Corporation Counsel, Office of Corporation Counsel, providing an informational report regarding pending litigation. (Considered by the Committees on Judiciary, Safety, and General Services, and Finance and Audit) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details