Meeting Name: Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/26/2013 9:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Courthouse Rm 200
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
12-823 11Appointment of Supervisor Deanna Alexander to the War Memorial Corporation Board of Trustees.AppointmentFrom the County Executive, appointing Supervisor Deanna Alexander to the War Memorial Corporation Board of Trustees, for a term expiring April 30, 2016.LAID OVER FOR ONE MEETING  Action details Not available
13-147 12Appointment of Supervisor Patricia Jursik to the War Memorial Corporation Board of TrusteesAppointmentFrom the County Executive appointing Supervisor Patricia Jursik to the War Memorial Corporation Board of Trustees, for a term expiring April 30, 2016.LAID OVER FOR ONE MEETINGPass Action details Not available
13-148 13Appointment of Supervisor Theodore Lipscomb to the War Memorial Corporation Board of TrusteesAppointmentFrom the County Executive, appointing Supervisor Theodore Lipscomb to the War Memorial Corporation Board of Trustees, for a term expiring April 30, 2016.LAID OVER FOR ONE MEETING  Action details Not available
13-150 14Appointment of Supervisor Steve F. Taylor to the War Memorial Corporation Board of Trustees.AppointmentFrom the County Executive, appointing Supervisor Steve F. Taylor to the War Memorial Corporation Board of Trustees, for a term expiring on April 30, 2016.LAID OVER FOR ONE MEETING  Action details Not available
13-622 15From Corporation Counsel requesting approval of a resolution authorizing the payment of attorneys’ fees incurred by the Sheriff in order to resolve pending litigation between the Sheriff and the County or the Civil Service Commission.ResolutionFrom Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $95,000 to the Law Offices of Michael A.l. Whitcomb in settlement of all claims for attorneys’ fees incurred by the Sheriff and for the dismissal of appeals in Clarke v. Milwaukee County, Case No. 12-CV-13388, and Clarke v. Civil Service Commission, Case No. 12-CV-3366, for the withdrawal of the Law Offices of Michael A.I. Whitcomb from representation of the Sheriff in further proceedings in Christensen v. Sullivan, Case No. 96-CV-1835, and for the Sheriff’s agreement that requests for legal representation must first be directed to the Office of Corporation Counsel.REFERREDFail Action details Not available
13-622 1 From Corporation Counsel requesting approval of a resolution authorizing the payment of attorneys’ fees incurred by the Sheriff in order to resolve pending litigation between the Sheriff and the County or the Civil Service Commission.ResolutionFrom Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $95,000 to the Law Offices of Michael A.l. Whitcomb in settlement of all claims for attorneys’ fees incurred by the Sheriff and for the dismissal of appeals in Clarke v. Milwaukee County, Case No. 12-CV-13388, and Clarke v. Civil Service Commission, Case No. 12-CV-3366, for the withdrawal of the Law Offices of Michael A.I. Whitcomb from representation of the Sheriff in further proceedings in Christensen v. Sullivan, Case No. 96-CV-1835, and for the Sheriff’s agreement that requests for legal representation must first be directed to the Office of Corporation Counsel.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-12 1 Summons & ComplaintsReference FileReference file established by the County Board Chairwoman, relative to Summons and complaints.   Action details Not available
13-14 1 Notice of ClaimsReference FileReference file established by the County Board Chairwoman, relative to Notice of Claims. (Placed on File).   Action details Not available
13-13 1 Reports & CommunicationsReference FileReference file established by the County Board Chairwoman, relative to Reports and Communications referred to standing committees.   Action details Not available
13-15 1 Resolutons & Ordinances referredReference FileReference File established by the County Board Chairwoman, relative to Resolutions and Ordinances referred to standing committees.   Action details Not available
13-647 16A resolution approving new lease, management and development agreements with the War Memorial and Art MuseumResolutionA resolution approving new Lease, Management and Development Agreements with the Milwaukee County War Memorial and Milwaukee Art Museum.   Action details Not available
13-710 17Reappointment of Mary Ellen Powers to the Milwaukee County Civil Service Commission for a term ending on March 1, 2018.AppointmentFrom the County Executive, reappointing Ms. Mary Ellen Powers to the Milwaukee County Civil Service Commission for a term expiring March 1, 2018.CONFIRMEDPass Action details Not available
13-711 18Reappointment of Arthur Phillips to the Milwaukee County Civil Service Commission for a term ending on August 1, 2018.AppointmentFrom the County Executive, reappointing Mr. Arthur Phillips to the Milwaukee County Civil Service Commission for a term expiring March 1, 2018.CONFIRMEDPass Action details Not available
13-742 19Rafael Acevedo Jr PAC ReappointmentAppointmentFrom the County Board Chairwoman, reappointing Mr. Rafael Acevedo, Jr. to the Milwaukee County Parks Advisory Commission for a term expiring August 1, 2016.CONFIRMEDPass Action details Not available
13-753 110John Gurda Parks Advisory Commission reappointmentAppointmentFrom the County Board Chairwoman, reappointing Mr. John Gurda to the Milwaukee County Parks Advisory Commission for a term expiring August 1, 2016.CONFIRMEDPass Action details Not available
13-739 111Dante Houston CAMPAC ReappointmentAppointmentFrom the County Board Chairwoman, reappointing Mr. Dante Houston to the Cultural, Artistic and Musical Programming Advisory Council (CAMPAC), for a term expiring October 1, 2016.CONFIRMEDPass Action details Not available
13-748 112Kathryn "Murph" Burke CAMPAC ReappointmentAppointmentFrom the County Board Chairwoman, reappointing Kathryn “Murph” Burke to the Cultural, Artistic and Musical Programming Advisory Council (CAMPAC), for a term expiring October 1, 2016.CONFIRMEDPass Action details Not available
13-704 1132012 Countywide Audit Report PacketInformational ReportFrom the Director of Audits, Office of the Comptroller, submitting the 2012 Countywide Audit Report Packet consisting of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Single Audit Report, Employees’ Retirement System - Annual Report of the Pension Board (pending Pension Board Approval on 9/18/13), General Mitchell International Airport Schedule of Passenger Facilities Charges, Milwaukee County Paratransit and Transit Database Reports, Communication to Those Charged with Governance and Management Report (formerly Report on Internal Control), Audit Communications Letter to Board of Supervisors and Audit Summary Observations. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILEPass Action details Not available
13-728 1142nd Quarter 2013 reportInformational ReportFrom the Comptroller, submitting the Second Quarter Report on the 2013 Fiscal Status of Milwaukee County. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILEPass Action details Not available
13-684 115Appt of Josh Fudge to Fiscal and Budget AdmnAppointmentFrom the Director, Department of Administrative Services, appointing Mr. Joshua Fudge to the position of Fiscal and Budget Administrator.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-712 116Lapsed Unspent Cash and Lapsed Unspend Bond Proceeds from 2012 CarryoverAction ReportFrom the Interim Fiscal and Budget Administrator, Fiscal Affairs Division, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to Reallocate 2012 Lapsed Unspent Cash and 2012 Lapsed Unspent Bond Proceeds from the 2012 Carryover Process to establish Budget Authority for current-year 2013 items.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-709 1172013 Appropriation Transfer Packet – September 2013 CycleAction ReportFrom the Interim Fiscal and Budget Administrator, Fiscal Affairs Division, Department of Administrative Services, submitting a 2013 Appropriation Transfer Packet for the September 2013 Cycle.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-686 118Waiver CGO 56.30 to Pay $2,600 to Behavioral ConsultantsAction ReportFrom the District Attorney, requesting a waiver of Milwaukee County General Ordinance 56.30 and authorization for payment in the amount of $2,600 to Behavioral Consultants, Inc. for Professional Services performed without a formal contract in State v. John Spooner, Milwaukee County Circuit Court Case No. 12CF002730.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-699 119WTP AcceptanceAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, requesting authorization to accept land sale proceeds in the amount of $13,071,872 from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) as payment for ten parcels on Milwaukee County owned land needed as part of the Zoo Freeway Interchange reconstruction project.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-707 120Narrowbanding ReallocationAction ReportFrom the Comptroller, requesting authorization to deposit $1,482,928 in 2010 Airport Revenue Bond proceeds into an escrow account with US Bank National Association, the Airport Trustee, and process an administrative fund transfer to substitute the bond proceeds with Airport Reserve funds to pay for the completed Narrowbanding capital project.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-708 121Courthouse Reimbursement ResolutionAction ReportFrom the Comptroller, requesting authorization to express the County’s intent to reimburse itself for expenditures relating to infrastructure improvements for the Milwaukee County Courthouse Complex that are incurred prior to the next issuance of General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds or Notes or any future bond issues.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-703 1222013 Wellness RFP ReportAction Report2013 Adopted Budget Amendment 1C013: From the Director of Benefits, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to execute a 3-year contract in the amount of $345,000 per year with Froedtert Health for the administration of the County’s wellness program plan.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-688 123MDSA 2013 ContractAction ReportFrom the Labor Relations Specialist, Department of Labor Relations, requesting ratification of the 2013 Memorandum of Agreement between Milwaukee County and the Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs’ Association. (Referred to the Committee on Finance, Personnel, and Audit, the Pension Study Commission, and the Pension Board.)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-746 174A resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds for the purposes of assisting and encouraging the enrollment of Milwaukee County residents in accessing public and private health insurance including but not limited to the federally mandated health insuraResolutionA resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds for the purposes of assisting and encouraging the enrollment of Milwaukee County residents in accessing public and private health insurance including but not limited to the federally mandated health insurance Marketplace that begins October 1, 2013. (09/19/13: Laid Over to the Call of the Chair)AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
13-746 1 A resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds for the purposes of assisting and encouraging the enrollment of Milwaukee County residents in accessing public and private health insurance including but not limited to the federally mandated health insuraResolutionA resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds for the purposes of assisting and encouraging the enrollment of Milwaukee County residents in accessing public and private health insurance including but not limited to the federally mandated health insurance Marketplace that begins October 1, 2013. (09/19/13: Laid Over to the Call of the Chair)AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
13-746 1 A resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds for the purposes of assisting and encouraging the enrollment of Milwaukee County residents in accessing public and private health insurance including but not limited to the federally mandated health insuraResolutionA resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds for the purposes of assisting and encouraging the enrollment of Milwaukee County residents in accessing public and private health insurance including but not limited to the federally mandated health insurance Marketplace that begins October 1, 2013. (09/19/13: Laid Over to the Call of the Chair)ADOPTED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
13-713 124Shelter Task ForcePresentationFrom the Shelter Task Force presenting a report titled “Substantial Funding Cuts to Emergency Shelter and Housing Services Threaten to Cripple Services to Milwaukee’s Homeless.” (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILEPass Action details Not available
13-725 125Wiser choice presentationPresentationFrom the Director of the Behavioral Health Division’s Community Services Branch and the Executive Director of the Faith Partnership Network providing a presentation on WIser Choice along with outcome data.RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILEPass Action details Not available
13-697 126BHD CCT ReportInformational ReportFrom the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, submitting an informational report regarding the Community Consultation Team (CCT) at the Behavioral Health Division. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILEPass Action details Not available
13-694 127Sports AuthorityAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, providing notice of the Youth Sports Authority award recommendations and requesting authorization and approval for the fiscal agent to distribute said funds.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-695 128Energy Assistance contractsAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to enter into Purchase of Service Contracts for the operation of the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) in the Management Services Division.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-696 129BHD IPSAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to release funds from the Planning Council for Individual Placement and Support (IPS) supported employment services as part of the Mental Health Redesign at the Behavioral Health Division.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-687 130County Emergency Managment PlanAction ReportFrom the Office of the Sheriff, requesting adoption of the County Emergency Management Plan prepared by the Division of Emergency Management.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-653 131Rouse v. Milwaukee County, et al.Claim or LitigationFrom Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $14,000 to Gregory Rouse in settlement of Rouse v. Milwaukee County et al., Milwaukee County Case No. 12-CV-11466.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-659 132Alexander v. Milwaukee CountyClaim or LitigationFrom Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $17,729.30 to Irby Alexander’s attorneys and reinstatement of Irby Alexander as a correctional officer at the House of Correction in settlement of Irby Alexander v. Milwaukee County, et al., Eastern District Case No. 12-CV-0329.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-658 133DC 48, et al. v. Milwaukee CountyClaim or LitigationFrom Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $21,000 and other terms in settlement of a discrimination lawsuit against Milwaukee County in District Council 48, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, et al. v. Milwaukee County, Eastern District Case No. 12-CV-0543.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-667 134Burton & Mayer, Inc. v. Milwaukee County Election CommissionClaim or LitigationFrom Corporation Counsel, recommending a fund transfer from the Appropriation for Contingencies to the Election Commission and recommending payment in the amount of $38,000 to Burton & Mayer, Inc., in settlement of a disputed invoice. (Referred to the Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-656 135Percy Morgan v. Milwaukee County, et al.Claim or LitigationFrom Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $40,000 to Percy Morgan and his attorneys in settlement of his personal injury claim in Milwaukee County Case No. 12-CV-5229.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-655 136Calderon v. Milwaukee County, et al.Claim or LitigationFrom Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $110,000 to Ray Calderon and/or his attorneys, Samster, Konkel & Safran, S.C., in settlement of Calderon v. Milwaukee County, Eastern District Case No. 12-CV-1043.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-732 137Appointment of Mr. John W. Dargle, Jr. to the position of Director of the Milwaukee County Parks, Recreation and Culture Department.AppointmentFrom the County Executive, appointing Mr. John W. Dargle Jr. to the position of Director of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture for Milwaukee County.LAID OVER FOR ONE MEETINGFail Action details Not available
13-732 1 Appointment of Mr. John W. Dargle, Jr. to the position of Director of the Milwaukee County Parks, Recreation and Culture Department.AppointmentFrom the County Executive, appointing Mr. John W. Dargle Jr. to the position of Director of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture for Milwaukee County.RECONSIDEREDPass Action details Not available
13-732 1 Appointment of Mr. John W. Dargle, Jr. to the position of Director of the Milwaukee County Parks, Recreation and Culture Department.AppointmentFrom the County Executive, appointing Mr. John W. Dargle Jr. to the position of Director of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture for Milwaukee County.LAID OVER FOR ONE MEETINGPass Action details Not available
13-740 138Patricia Yunk MPM Board of Directors appointmentAppointmentFrom the County Board Chairwoman, appointing Ms. Patricia Yunk to the Milwaukee Public Museum Board of Directors for a term expiring February 1, 2014.CONFIRMEDPass Action details Not available
13-741 139Beth Haskovec CAMPAC appointmentAppointmentFrom the County Board Chairwoman, appointing Ms. Beth Haskovec to the Cultural, Artistic and Musical Programming Advisory Council (CAMPAC), for a term expiring October 1, 2016.CONFIRMEDPass Action details Not available
13-701 140Easement Request by WEPC at ZooAction ReportFrom the Director, Milwaukee County Zoo, requesting authorization to grant an underground electrical service easement to Wisconsin Electric Power Company to install, operate, maintain, repair, replace and extend underground utility and associated equipment in conjunction with the Zoo Interchange Renovation Project.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-724 141A Resolution Renaming a Parcel of the County Grounds to be the "County Grounds Park"ResolutionA resolution authorizing the Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture to rename a 55.4-acre parcel of the County Grounds as the “County Grounds Park,” and authorizing the purchase of all necessary new signage related to the area.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-720 142Summit Kosciuszko Lease AgreementAction ReportFrom the Interim Director, Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture, seeking authorization to enter into a Lease Agreement with Summit Educational Association, Inc., for use of certain parts of Kosciuszko Community Center.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-717 143Coastal Management Grant ApplicationsAction ReportFrom the Interim Director, Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture, seeking authorization to apply for, accept and implement Wisconsin Coastal Management Program grant funding.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-718 144US Fish and Wildlife Fish Passage Grant ApplicationsAction ReportFrom the Interim Director, Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture, seeking authorization to apply for, accept and implement U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Fish Passage Program grant funding.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-719 145TAP Grant ApplicationsAction ReportFrom the Interim Director, Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture, seeking authorization to apply for, accept and implement Transportation Alternatives Program grant funding.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-723 146Sherman Park Boys and Girls Club Use AgreementAction ReportFrom the Interim Director, Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture, seeking authorization to enter into a Use Agreement with the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee for the purpose of improving Sherman Park.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-624 147Johnsons Park Development AgreementAction ReportFrom the Interim Director, Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture, requesting authorization to negotiate and execute a Development Agreement with Center for Resilient Cities d/b/a Johnsons Park Development, LLC, to fundraise for and make improvements to Johnsons Park. (07/25/13: Referred back to the Committee on Parks, Energy and Environment by the Board.)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-727 148Jurisdictional transfer of Root River Pkwy landAction ReportFrom the Interim Director, Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture, requesting the transfer of jurisdiction of County-owned land adjacent to the Root River Parkway to the Parks Department.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-733 149WISPARK EasementAction ReportFrom the Interim Director, Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture, seeking authorization to grant WISPARK, LLC, a permanent easement in and across the Root River Parkway to allow the discharge of storm water to the Root River.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-679 150Routing Changes at DD Realty ShoppingInformational ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, submitting an informational report regarding temporary routing changes at Developers Diversified Realty Shopping Centers. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILEPass Action details Not available
13-668 151Semi-Annual Report on Airport Capital Improvement ProjectsInformational Report2007 Adopted Budget Amendment 1B027: From the Director, Department of Transportation, and the Airport Director submitting a semi-annual informational report on the status of all currently authorized Airport Capital Improvement Projects. (To the Committees on Transportation, Public Works, and Transit and Finance, Personnel, and Audit.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILEPass Action details Not available
13-652 152Weishan Stamper taxi cab resolutionResolutionA resolution directing the County Executive to negotiate an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County for the operation and regulation of taxicab service.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-678 153Route 51 ChangesAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, requesting authorization to restructure Route 51 to include an alternate layover to the Marian Center at New York Avenue and Oklahoma Avenue effective in the Fall of 2013.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-669 154Services and Maintenance Agreement with Johnson Controls, Inc. for Security System Services at General Mitchell International AirportAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, and the Airport Director requesting authorization to enter into a Services and Maintenance Agreement with Johnson Controls, Inc., to provide security system services at General Mitchell International Airport.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-670 155New Agreement with Simplicity Ground Services, LLC, sponsored by Frontier Airlines, Inc.Action ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, and the Airport Director requesting authorization to enter into a new agreement for the issuance of a Commercial Operating Permit between Simplicity Ground Services, LLC, sponsored by Frontier Airlines, Inc., and Milwaukee County.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-671 156Building Lease agreement between Milwaukee County and Skywest Airlines, Inc.Action ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, and the Airport Director requesting authorization to enter into a building lease agreement with SkyWest Airlines, Inc., effective October 1, 2013, for the lease of approximately 5,280 square feet of storage space located at 425 East Henry Avenue at Milwaukee County’s MKE Regional Business Park.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-672 157Other Transaction Agreement between DHS, TSA and Milwaukee County relating to the use of space and cost reimbursement at TSA security checkpoints and baggage areas at GMIAAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, and the Airport Director requesting authorization to enter into an Other Transaction Agreement with the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) relating to the use of space and cost reimbursement at TSA security checkpoints and baggage areas for a term of one (1) year and an automatic one (1) year renewal at General Mitchell International Airport.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-675 158Channel Cover Wilson ParkAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, and the Airport Director requesting authorization to enter into an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District for the restoration of the concrete channel at Wilson Park Creek located within General Mitchell International Airport property.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-674 159CMAR for 2012Action ReportFrom the Director, Department of Administrative Services, requesting approval of the required Milwaukee County Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR) for 2012 for Milwaukee County’s wastewater collection system under Wisconsin Code NR 208.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-676 160Jurisdictional Transfer-FranklinAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, requesting authorization to execute a Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement to transfer highway ownership for County Trunk Highway A (South 68th Street) and County Trunk Highway J (South North Cape Road) from Milwaukee County to the City of Franklin.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-677 161Gateway Landscape ImprovementsAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, requesting authorization to execute an agreement with Gateway Business Improvement District #40 for the installation and maintenance of landscape improvements within the medians of East Layton Avenue between South Howell Avenue and I-794 at no cost to Milwaukee County.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-683 162FAA Audit Status Report for May, June & July 2013Informational ReportFrom the Interim Director, Community Business Development Partners, providing an update on an Audit by the Federal Aviation Administration of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and the Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise programs. (To the Committees on Transportation, Public Works, and Transit and Economic and Community Development.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)REFERRED  Action details Not available
13-726 1632013 Triennial ReportInformational ReportFrom the Interim Director, Community Business Development Partners, submitting the 2013 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Triennial Goal Setting report. (To the Committees on Transportation, Public Works, and Transit and Economic and Community Development.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-657 164Resolution endorsing 2035 Regional Housing PlanResolutionA resolution endorsing the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission’s 2035 Regional Housing Plan for Southeastern Wisconsin.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-698 165Requesting a report from the US Dept. of Justice on minority hiring for stimulus-funded projectsResolutionA resolution requesting a report from the United States Department of Justice to the Milwaukee County Community Business Development Partners Office regarding the impact of minority business and minority hiring goals for projects in the Milwaukee metropolitan area that utilize federal Stimulus funds.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-673 166City of West Allis Purchase Proposal for 6215 W National AvenueAction ReportFrom the Real Estate Agent, Economic Development Division, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to declare as excess property 6215 West National Avenue, West Allis, Wisconsin, and to enter into a sale agreement with the City of West Allis. (09/26/13: Referred back to the Committee on Economic and Community Development by the Board.)REFERRED  Action details Not available
13-745 172Revised CDBGAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to allocate anticipated 2014 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-752 1732014 HOME FundsAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to allocate anticipated 2014 HOME funding.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-747 167A resolution to modify the Milwaukee County Fiscal Note Form to add a check off box as to whether an intergovernmental agreement requires the approval of an Executive Council per State Statute 59.794 and related proceduresResolutionA resolution to modify the Milwaukee County Fiscal Note Form to add a check-off box as to whether an intergovernmental agreement requires the approval of an Executive Council per State Statute 59.794 and related procedures.REFERRED TO CORPORATION COUNSEL FOR LEGAL OPINIONPass Action details Not available
13-750 168NACo dental discount resolutionResolutionA resolution authorizing and directing the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services to enroll Milwaukee County in the National Association of Counties Dental Discount Program.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
13-10 1 Transit ClaimsReference FileReference file established by the County Board Chairwoman, relative to Transit System Claims.DISALLOWEDPass Action details Not available
13-11 1 CB CitationsReference FileReference file established by the County Board Chairwoman, relative to County Board Citations/Certificates.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available