RES 11-608
| 1 | 1 | 10-447 Defined Contribution Resolution | Resolution | A resolution authorizing and directing the Employee Benefits Workgroup to fully develop a graduated defined contribution pension plan to replace the existing defined benefit plan, and to report back with a final plan for implementation. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.) (09/23/11: Referred to the Employee Benefits Workgroup for a follow-up report.) | APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Fail |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2 | Allocating 4150,000 to the War Memorial Center from the Appropriation for Contingencies account to ensure that Milwaukee County continues to "Honor the Dead by Serving the Living" through the principles of arts and peace | Resolution | A resolution allocating $150,000 to the War Memorial Center from the Appropriation for Contingencies account to ensure that Milwaukee County continues to “Honor the Dead by Serving the Living” through the principles of arts and peace. | DENIED & RECOMMENDED FOR REJECTION | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3 | Universal Screening Informational Report-June 2012
Universal Screening Informational Report-June 2012 | Informational Report | From the Chief Judge, submitting an informational report on the Status of Universal Screening Program Implementation. (To the Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | CONCURRED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4 | Resolution to Allow Purchase of Foreclosed Property | Ordinance | From the County Treasurer, requesting authorization by the County Board of Supervisors to allow the purchase of foreclosed property by the former owners within 90 days of foreclosure as authorized in Section 75.35(3) of Wisconsin State Statutes. (5/12 Referred to staff for a report back) | REFER | Fail |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Resolution to Allow Purchase of Foreclosed Property | Ordinance | From the County Treasurer, requesting authorization by the County Board of Supervisors to allow the purchase of foreclosed property by the former owners within 90 days of foreclosure as authorized in Section 75.35(3) of Wisconsin State Statutes. (5/12 Referred to staff for a report back) | SUBSTITUTE | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Resolution to Allow Purchase of Foreclosed Property | Ordinance | From the County Treasurer, requesting authorization by the County Board of Supervisors to allow the purchase of foreclosed property by the former owners within 90 days of foreclosure as authorized in Section 75.35(3) of Wisconsin State Statutes. (5/12 Referred to staff for a report back) | ADOPTED AS SUBSTITUTE | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5 | CMO Income Statements | Informational Report | From the Director, Department of Family Care, submitting informational reports on the Income Statement of the Care Management Organization (CMO) under Family Care. (To the Committees on Health and Human Needs and Finance and Audit.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6 | Transit Patrol Unit | Action Report | From the Office of the Sheriff, requesting authorization to create a Transit Patrol Division for the patrol of Milwaukee County buses and the Milwaukee County harbor area by creating 45 Deputy Sheriff 1 positions, 3 Deputy Sheriff Sergeant positions, 1 Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant, 1 Deputy Sheriff Captain, and 1 Administrative Assistant position effective May 27, 2012. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel and the Departments of Administrative Services and Human Resources) | APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7 | Mid-year Abolish & Create Request | Action Report | From the Interim Director of Facilities Management, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to abolish one position of Asbestos Worker and create one position of Carpenter Supervisor. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel and the Departments of Administrative Services and Human Resources.) | APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8 | Guraranteed Energy Saving Performance Contracting | Action Report | From the Director of the Architecture, Engineering, and Environmental Services Division, Department of Administrative Services (DAS), requesting authorization to prepare, review, approve, and execute all contract documents as required to hire Johnson Controls, Inc., an Energy Services Company (ESCO) previously approved by the County Board to provide Phase 2-Part B Guaranteed Energy Savings Performance Contracting (GESPC), to repair and renew Milwaukee County building infrastructure based on the energy audits performed at selected County facilities and is contingent upon the satisfactory “Due Diligence” performed by DAS on each GESPC proposal. (Referred to the Committees on Transportation, Public Works, and Transit and Finance and Audit) (6/21/12 Finance, Personnel and Audit laid over until the July cycle for the Due Diligence report) (06/28/12 Referred back to the Committee on Transportation, Public Works, and Transit.) | LAY OVER FOR ONE MEETING | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9 | Open Source Software Study | Informational Report | 2012 Budget Amendment 1A025, an informational report on cost benefit analysis of converting the currently deployed web calendar and email services to an open source software platform. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | RECEIVE AND PLACE ON FILE | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10 | Addition of MDSA member to Pension Board | Ordinance | From Corporation Counsel requesting authorization to amend Section 201.24(8.2) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances as it pertains to the Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs Association (MDSA) representative’s membership on the Pension Board. (Referred to the Committee on Personnel and the Pension Study Commission.) | APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11 | Resolution authorizing payment of attorneys fees incurred by Sheriff Clarke in Milwaukee County v. Clarke, Case No. 12CV350 | Resolution | From Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $37,055.84 to the Law Offices of Michael A.I. Whitcomb for attorney’s fees incurred in Milwaukee County v. Clarke, Case No. 12-CV-350. (To the Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit) | CONCURRED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12 | A resolution to authorize a suit on behalf of Milwaukee County related to real estate transfer fees and to authorize Corporation Counsel to enter into a contract for legal representation | Resolution | From Corporation Counsel and the Register of Deeds, requesting authorization to file litigation to recover unpaid real estate transfer fees from the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and further requests authorization to enter into a contract with Hansen, Riederer, Dickinson, Crueger & Reynolds LLC to represent the interests of Milwaukee County. (To the Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit) | CONCURRED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13 | 2012 Appropriation Transfer Packet - June 2012 Cycle | Action Report | 2012 Appropriation Transfer Packet - June 2012 Cycle | APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14 | Five Year Financial Forecast | Informational Report | From the Department of Administrative Services an informational report regarding a Five Year Financial Forecast. (INFORMATIONAL UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15 | Fiscal Report 1st Quarter 2012 for Milwaukee County | Informational Report | From the Comptroller, an informational report titled “Fiscal Report 1st Quarter 2012 for Milwaukee County”. (INFORMATIONAL UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | RECEIVE AND PLACE ON FILE | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 16 | Fiscal Report 4th Quarter 2011 Preliminary Surplus for Milwaukee County | Action Report | From the Comptroller, requesting authorization to transfer $5 million of the available 2011 Surplus to the Debt Service Reserve. | APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 17 | Review of Wauwatosa School District's Reimbursement of Operating Costs Associated with Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Schools for the 2010-11 School Year | Informational Report | From the Director of Audits, an informational report titled “Review of Wauwatosa School District’s Reimbursement of Operating Costs Associated with Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Schools for the 2010-11 School Year”. (INFORMATIONAL UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 18 | A request to authorize payment of an award in the matter of Milwaukee County v. Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) | Resolution | From Corporation Counsel, requesting authorization to pay an award to affected employees in the matter of Milwaukee County v. Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) resulting in the dismissal of the appeal in the Court of Appeals in this matter. (To the Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit) | CONCURRED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 19 | Meet and Confer | Resolution | A resolution authorizing the development of a process whereby designated representatives of authorized employee groups meet and confer with Milwaukee County management representatives on terms and conditions of employment and operational issues. (3/12 referred to Corporation Counsel for a legal opinion) | AMEND | Fail |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Meet and Confer | Resolution | A resolution authorizing the development of a process whereby designated representatives of authorized employee groups meet and confer with Milwaukee County management representatives on terms and conditions of employment and operational issues. (3/12 referred to Corporation Counsel for a legal opinion) | AMEND | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Meet and Confer | Resolution | A resolution authorizing the development of a process whereby designated representatives of authorized employee groups meet and confer with Milwaukee County management representatives on terms and conditions of employment and operational issues. (3/12 referred to Corporation Counsel for a legal opinion) | APPROVED AS AMENDED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 20 | Request to amend Milwaukee County General Ordinance (MCGO) 17.207 Grievance Procedure | Ordinance | From the Department of Administrative Services, Corporation Counsel, Office of the Personnel Review Board, and the Department of Labor Relations requesting authorization to amend Milwaukee County General Ordinance (MCGO) 17.207 as it pertains to the Grievance Procedure. (03/09/12: Laid over.) | LAY OVER FOR ONE MEETING | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 21 | DC48 CBA crosswalk referral memo | Ordinance | From the Director, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to incorporate AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions into and amend various sections of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances that pertain to compensation and fringe benefits. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel) (03/15/2012 Referred back to Committee by the Board) | LAY OVER FOR ONE MEETING | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 22 | FLSA Board Report June 2012 | Informational Report | From the Director of Human Resources, an adopted resolution/ordinance amending Chapter 17.16(1)(b) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances regarding overtime compensation to make them consistent with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). (Quarterly reports due.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 23 | Informational Report-Reclass Adv within PR Reallocation & Rev to ECP June 2012 | Informational Report | From the Director, Department of Human Resources, relative to reclassification of existing positions, reallocations of non-represented positions, advancements within the pay range, and all revisions to Executive Compensation Positions (ECP). (Recommendations to be implemented unless Supervisor(s) object.) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 24 | PTO Payout Informational Report | Informational Report | From the Executive Director, Department of Human Resources, an informational report regarding payout of accrued hours upon retirement. (INFORMATIONAL UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 25 | Informational Report-Appt at Adv Step in the Pay Range June 2012 | Informational Report | From the Director, Department of Human Resources, relative to appointments at an advanced step of the pay range. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 26 | Informational Report-Dual Appt Emerg Appt, Temp Appt & TAHC June 2012 | Informational Report | From the Director, Department of Human Resources, relative to dual employment, temporary assignments to a higher classification, temporary appointments, and emergency appointments. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 27 | Informational Report-Unclassified Residency Waiver Extension June 2012 | Ordinance | From the Director, Department of Human Resources, relative to residency waivers for positions in an unclassified service. (INFORMATIONAL UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 28 | Labor Relations Informational Report - Collateral Agreements | Informational Report | An adopted Resolution by Supervisor Jursik amending Chapters 79 and 80 of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances to clarify the negotiation, review, and approval process for collateral agreements with collective bargaining units. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.) (Per adoption of the Resolution, Quarterly Report due from Labor Relations.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 29 | Artistic Bus Shelter in Bay View Federal Funding Appropriation transfer | Resolution | A resolution authorizing an appropriation transfer to recognize $120,000 in Federal Transit Administration Enhancement Project funding for the construction of an artistic bus shelter. (1/12 laid over in Finance & Audit) | WITHDRAWN FROM COMMITTEE | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 30 | Collective Bargaining | Reference File | Deliberation, negotiation or re-negotiation of collective bargaining agreements. | INFORMATIONAL ONLY | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 31 | pending litigation | Informational Report | From Corporation Counsel, providing a status update on pending litigation. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | AJOURNED INTO CLOSED SESSION | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 32 | asdfsdfsda | Informational Report | 2011 Budget Amendment 1C010: From the Employee Benefits Workgroup, submitting an informational report regarding what steps must occur in order to cap the backdrop pension benefit. (To the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel and the Pension Study Commission and Pension Board) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 33 | A resolution/ordinance to modify the backdrop benefit | Ordinance | A resolution/ordinance to amend Section 201.24(5.16) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances as it pertains to the “backdrop benefit.” (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel, the Pension Study Commission, and the Pension Board.) (06/21/12: Laid over by the Pension Study Commission. 09/20/12: Approved AS AMENDED by Finance, Audit and Personnel. 09/27/2012: Ruled not properly before the Board due to the lack of consideration by the Pension Study Commission.) | LAY OVER FOR ONE MEETING | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 34 | Circumstances and process to terminate | Informational Report | From the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, and Director, Department of Human Resources, a report on the circumstances and process used to terminate the DHHS Associate Director of Operations. (Informational, unless otherwise directed by the Committee) | AJOURNED INTO CLOSED SESSION | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Circumstances and process to terminate | Informational Report | From the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, and Director, Department of Human Resources, a report on the circumstances and process used to terminate the DHHS Associate Director of Operations. (Informational, unless otherwise directed by the Committee) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
Not available