Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/6/2025 12:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location:
HYBRID MEETING This meeting was held in Room 200, and was live-streamed on the County Legislative Information Center: https://milwaukeecounty.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-1 112025 Summons and ComplaintsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing an informational report regarding Summons and Complaints.   Not available Video Video
25-2 122025 Notice of ClaimsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding Notice of Claims.   Not available Video Video
25-2 1 2025 Notice of ClaimsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding Notice of Claims.   Not available Video Video
25-3 132025 Files Referred to Standing CommitteesReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing an informational report regarding Files Referred to Standing Committees.   Not available Video Video
25-4 142025 Journal of ProceedingsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding Journal of Proceedings.   Not available Video Video
25-150 15Reappointment of Sup. Steven Shea to MCFLS Board of TrusteesReappointmentFrom the County Executive, reappointing Supervisor Steven Shea to the Milwaukee County Federated Library System Board of Trustees for a term expiring March 31, 2028.   Not available Video Video
25-153 16Reappointment of Tim Baranzyk to Veterans Service CommissionReappointmentFrom the County Executive, reappointing Mr. Tim Baranzyk to the Veterans Service Commission for a term expiring March 20, 2028.   Not available Not available
25-156 17Reappointment of Dr. Ben Weston to EMS CouncilReappointmentFrom the County Executive, reappointing Dr. Benjamin Weston to the Emergency Medical Services Council for a term expiring March 18, 2027.   Not available Not available
25-157 18Reappointment of Dan Pojar to EMS CouncilReappointmentFrom the County Executive, reappointing Mr. Dan Pojar to the Emergency Medical Services Council for a term expiring March 18, 2027.   Not available Not available
25-73 192025 Comptroller's Office Contract NotificationsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, providing an informational report regarding contract notifications received pursuant to Sections 44.09(e), 46.09(8), and 56.30(8) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
25-123 110Medical Examiner Agreement with City of Milwaukee Health DepartmentAction ReportFrom the Medical Examiner, Office of the Medical Examiner, requesting authorization to enter into an Agreement with the City of Milwaukee Health Department (Referred to the Committees on Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and General Services for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
24-1066 111OJJDP Family Treatment Court Enhancement GrantAction ReportRequest for Authorization for the Chief Judge to retroactively apply for and to accept the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Family Treatment Court Enhancement Grant for 2024 (Referred to the Committee on Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and General Services for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
24-879 1122024 Union Supply Commissary Contract ReportAction Report2024 Union Supply Commissary Contract Report. (Referred to the Committee on Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and General Services for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
25-116 113MCTS - RAISE Grant 27th Street Transit EnhancementsAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation and Interim Director, Milwaukee County Transit System, requesting authorization to apply for and accept RAISE grant funds for transit capital enhancements along the Purple Line (North-South 27th Street). (Referred to the Committees on Transportation and Transit; and Finance)   Not available Not available
25-106 114From the Director, Architecture, Engineering, and Environmental Services Section, Facilities Management Division, Department of Administrative Services, requesting approval of the updated project delivery plan for adopted 2025 Capital Improvement Budget pAction ReportFrom the Director, Architecture, Engineering, and Environmental Services Section, Facilities Management Division, Department of Administrative Services, requesting approval of the updated project delivery plan for adopted 2025 Capital Improvement Budget projects. (Referred to the Committees on Community, Environment, and Economic Development; and Finance)   Not available Not available
25-108 1152025-2027 Milwaukee County Area on Aging PlanAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to submit the 2025-2027 Milwaukee County Area Aging Plan to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. (Referred to the Committees on Health Equity, Human Needs, and Strategic Planning; and Finance)   Not available Not available
25-140 116State ARPA RevisionAction ReportFrom the Director of the Office of Strategy, Budget and Performance, requesting acknowledgment, acceptance, and appropriation of $6,250,000 of increases in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding from the State of Wisconsin for courthouse security ($2.3 million) and the Forensic Science Center project ($3.95 million). (Referred to the Committee on Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and General Services; for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
25-149 117From the Office of Strategy, Performance, and Budget, requesting authority to process administrative fund transfers in support of the Compensation Transformation ProjectAction ReportFrom the Director, Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance requesting authorization to process administrative fund transfers from Org. Unit 1972 - Central Salary Costs to departments impacted by the Compensation Transformation Project to cover increased salary and social security costs. (Referred to the Committee on Personnel for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.60(8), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
25-149 1 From the Office of Strategy, Performance, and Budget, requesting authority to process administrative fund transfers in support of the Compensation Transformation ProjectAction ReportFrom the Director, Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance requesting authorization to process administrative fund transfers from Org. Unit 1972 - Central Salary Costs to departments impacted by the Compensation Transformation Project to cover increased salary and social security costs. (Referred to the Committee on Personnel for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.60(8), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
25-112 1182024 fund transfers for the Jan 2025 cycleAction ReportFrom the Director Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance providing a FY 2024 appropriation packet for the January 2025 cycle.   Not available Not available
25-113 1192025 fund transfer packetAction ReportFrom the Director Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance, providing a 2025 appropriation packet for the January 2025 cycle.   Not available Not available
25-100 12025 GO Auth ResAction ReportFrom the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, requesting approval of an initial authorizing resolution in an amount not-to-exceed $195,780,000 in General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds or Promissory Notes to finance capital projects, and to reimburse expenses related to projects that occur prior to the issuances.   Not available Not available
25-101 121January 2025 $1.1 Million Unspent Bond ReallocationAction ReportFrom the Milwaukee County Comptroller requesting approval to allocate approximately $1.1 million in unspent bond proceeds from the Debt Service Reserve; and to process the associated administrative appropriation transfers to pay eligible debt service expenses, to provide additional funding to ongoing projects with shortfalls, to increase the scope of Project WH024201 - North Shop Improvements, and to place remaining funding into the countywide unallocated contingency account.   Not available Not available
25-107 322Approval to close certain trust accountsAction ReportFrom the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, requesting authorization to close certain trust accounts for which their purpose no longer exists.   Not available Not available
25-110 123From the Director of Department of Architecture, Engineering and Environmental Services (AE&ES), Department of Administrative Services (DAS), providing an informational report updating the AE&ES Progress and Future Plans report.Informational ReportFrom the Director of Department of Architecture, Engineering and Environmental Services (AE&ES), Department of Administrative Services (DAS), providing an informational report updating the AE&ES Progress and Future Plans report. (Considered by the Committees on Personnel; and Community, Environment, and Economic Development) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
25-16 1242025 Dept. of Human Resources Monthly TransactionsReference FileFrom the Chief Human Resources Officer, Department of Human Resources, providing an informational report regarding: Reclassification of Existing positions (classified and unclassified); Advancements within the Pay Range; Appointments at an Advanced Step of the Pay Range; Revisions to Executive Compensation Plan positions; Dual Employment; Emergency Appointments; Temporary Appointments; and Temporary Assignments to a Higher Classification. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
25-102 125Abolish and Create DHR Total RewardsAction ReportFrom the Director of Total Rewards, Department of Human Resources, requesting approval to abolish 1.0 FTE Specialist HR System/Compensation- Pay Range 29M and create 1.0 FTE Total Rewards Operations Analyst - Pay Range 22M.   Not available Not available
24-1063 126Requesting County Board waive Chapter 17.085(1)(c) of the Temporary Assignement policy requiring an individual to wait 30 consecutive workdays prior to the increased rate of pay taking effect from the time of the (TAHC) assignmentAction ReportFrom the Office of the Sheriff, requesting the County Board waive Chapter 17.085(1)(c) of the Temporary Assignments policy requiring an individual to wait 30 consecutive workdays prior to the increased rate of pay taking effect from the time of the Temporary Assignment to a Higher Classification (TAHC) assignment for the Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy position   Not available Not available
24-1064 127From the Director, Office of Strategy, Budget & Performance, Requesting the Creation of 1.0 FTE Program & Evaluation Analyst in the Project Management Office OfficeAction ReportFrom the Director, Office of Strategy, Budget & Performance, Requesting the Creation of 1.0 FTE Program & Evaluation Analyst in the Project Management Office   Not available Not available
24-1068 12824-1068 Action ReportAction ReportOffice of Emergency Management requests to abolish 1.0 FTE EMS Captain, Pay Grade 27M and create 1.0 FTE EMS Operations Manager, Pay Grade 34M   Not available Not available
25-105 129Supervisor Infrastructure Services Abolish and CreateAction ReportFrom the Director and Chief Information Officer, Information Management Services Division, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to Abolish 1.0 Manager Network and Create 1.0 Supervisor Infrastructure Services position.   Not available Not available
24-1074 130County Needs to Establish Clear Roles, Responsibilities, and Procedures for Grant ManagementAction ReportFrom the Director of Audits, an audit report titled “County Needs to Establish Clear Roles, Responsibilities, and Procedures for Grant Management”   Not available Video Video
25-118 131A resolution/ordinance amending Chapter 46 of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances to align the composition of the County and City Housing Committee as between Milwaukee County and the City of MilwaukeeOrdinanceA resolution/ordinance amending Chapter 46 of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances to align the composition of the County and City Housing Committee as between Milwaukee County and the City of Milwaukee   Not available Not available
25-108 1322025-2027 Milwaukee County Area on Aging PlanAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to submit the 2025-2027 Milwaukee County Area Aging Plan to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. (Referred to the Committees on Health Equity, Human Needs, and Strategic Planning; and Finance)   Not available Not available
25-121 13325-121 ACTION REPORTOrdinanceFrom the Director of the Office of Emergency Management (OEM), requesting approval to amend Milwaukee County Ordinance Chapter 97. (Referred to the Committees on Health Equity, Human Needs, and Strategic Planning; and Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and General Services)   Not available Not available
25-117 134A resolution giving support to the Milwaukee Mental Health Board to provide funding for the “We Can Save Lives Tour,” which provides suicide prevention training in WisconsinResolutionA resolution giving support to the Milwaukee Mental Health Board to provide funding for the “We Can Save Lives Tour,” which provides suicide prevention training in Wisconsin   Not available Video Video
25-132 135Officer Status Database reportInformational ReportFrom the District Attorney Kent Lovern, Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office providing an information report regarding Officer Status Database   Not available Not available
24-1062 136A resolution supporting the City of Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission’s Video Release Policy and requesting the development of a similar policy for Milwaukee CountyResolutionA resolution supporting the City of Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission’s Video Release Policy and requesting the development of a similar policy for Milwaukee County to ensure the release of video and audio evidence of critical incidents to families within 48 hours and to the public within 15 days.   Not available Video Video
24-1062 1 A resolution supporting the City of Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission’s Video Release Policy and requesting the development of a similar policy for Milwaukee CountyResolutionA resolution supporting the City of Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission’s Video Release Policy and requesting the development of a similar policy for Milwaukee County to ensure the release of video and audio evidence of critical incidents to families within 48 hours and to the public within 15 days.   Not available Video Video
25-121 13725-121 ACTION REPORTOrdinanceFrom the Director of the Office of Emergency Management (OEM), requesting approval to amend Milwaukee County Ordinance Chapter 97. (Referred to the Committees on Health Equity, Human Needs, and Strategic Planning; and Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and General Services)   Not available Not available
25-141 138Resolution to Amend MCGO 9.03OrdinanceFrom the Milwaukee County Ethics Board recommending amendments to Section 9.03 of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances to clarify and simplify the language surrounding financial disclosure requirements imposed by the County Ethics Code.   Not available Not available
24-1067 1392025 Ag LeasesAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Milwaukee County Parks requesting authorization to enter into Agricultural Lease Agreements with individual farmers for the benefit of Milwaukee County land.   Not available Not available
24-1070 140Easement with AT&TAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Milwaukee County Parks, requesting authorization to enter into an easement with AT&T to install, operate and maintain a fiber optic cable on land located in Lake Park.   Not available Not available
24-1071 14111-year conservation easement to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District for the tree plantingAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Parks, requesting authorization to grant a 11-year conservation easement to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District for the tree planting located at the Kinnickinnic River Parkway. It is further requested that the County Executive and County Clerk be authorized to execute any required documents.   Not available Not available
24-1072 142Easement with City of MKE for LMDAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Parks, requesting formalize an easement with the City of Milwaukee to repair, upgrade, operate and maintain a sanitary sewer along Lincoln Memorial Drive.   Not available Not available
24-1073 143Special events that impede access to LMD on various dates in 2025.Action ReportFrom the Executive Director of Parks requesting authorization to grant waivers to special event organizers for events that impede access to Lincoln Memorial Drive on various dates in 2025.   Not available Not available
24-918 144AirportNEXT UpdateInformational ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, and the Airport Director, Department of Transportation - Airport Division, providing a presentation regarding results from the AirportNEXT survey taken earlier in 2024. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
24-1065 145A resolution requiring the Union Pacific Railroad Company, per Wisconsin State Statute § 86.12, to repair the railroad crossing at County Trunk Highway ZZ west of South Pennsylvania AvenueResolutionA resolution requiring the Union Pacific Railroad Company, per Wisconsin State Statute § 86.12, to repair the railroad crossing at County Trunk Highway ZZ west of South Pennsylvania Avenue   Not available Not available
25-116 146MCTS - RAISE Grant 27th Street Transit EnhancementsAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation and Interim Director, Milwaukee County Transit System, requesting authorization to apply for and accept RAISE grant funds for transit capital enhancements along the Purple Line (North-South 27th Street). (Referred to the Committees on Transportation and Transit; and Finance)   Not available Video Video
25-114 147MCDOT - Complete Communities Transportation Planning Project Update MCDOT - Complete Communities Transportation Planning Project UpdateAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, requesting approval and adoption of the resolution affirming Milwaukee County’s Comprehensive Safety Action Plan.   Not available Not available
25-119 148A resolution dissolving the City-County Task Force on Climate and Economic Equity by dissolving it and creating the City-County Advisory Board on Climate and Economic Equity to continue to advise the County and City in moving forward with climate goalsResolutionA resolution reconstituting the City-County Task Force on Climate and Economic Equity by dissolving it and creating the City-County Advisory Board on Climate and Economic Equity to continue to advise the County and City in moving forward in their climate goals   Not available Video Video
25-106 149From the Director, Architecture, Engineering, and Environmental Services Section, Facilities Management Division, Department of Administrative Services, requesting approval of the updated project delivery plan for adopted 2025 Capital Improvement Budget pAction ReportFrom the Director, Architecture, Engineering, and Environmental Services Section, Facilities Management Division, Department of Administrative Services, requesting approval of the updated project delivery plan for adopted 2025 Capital Improvement Budget projects. (Referred to the Committees on Community, Environment, and Economic Development; and Finance)   Not available Not available
25-5 1502025 Citations and CertificatesReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding County Board Citations and Certificates.   Not available Video Video
25-5 1 2025 Citations and CertificatesReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding County Board Citations and Certificates.   Not available Video Video
25-6 1512025 Files Not Referred to Standing CommitteesReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing an informational report regarding Files Not Referred to Standing Committees.   Not available Video Video