Meeting Name: Judiciary, Safety and General Services Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/20/2011 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 201-B
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ORD 11-3 11Chapter 9 Code of Ethics-RiceOrdinanceOrdinance by Supervisor Rice, amending Chapter 9, Code of Ethics of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances, as it relates to confidential information, privileged communications and information acquired in meetings convened in closed session. (12/2/10: Laid over)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AS AMENDED  Action details Not available
ORD 11-3 1 Chapter 9 Code of Ethics-RiceOrdinanceOrdinance by Supervisor Rice, amending Chapter 9, Code of Ethics of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances, as it relates to confidential information, privileged communications and information acquired in meetings convened in closed session. (12/2/10: Laid over)LAY OVER FOR ONE MEETINGPass Action details Not available
11-153 12Items 2, 3 and 4 - Chief Judge RequestsAction ReportFrom the Chief Judge, requesting authorization to execute professional service contracts with ATTIC Correctional Services, Wisconsin Community Services, Inc. and the Benedict Center for the period of January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 in an amount not to exceed a total of $531,924 for provision of services and programming at the Milwaukee Community Justice Resource Center.Recommended for AdoptionPass Action details Not available
11-155 13Items 2, 3 and 4 - Chief Judge RequestsAction ReportFrom the Chief Judge, requesting authorization to execute a professional service contract with Justice 2000, Inc. for the period of February 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 in an amount not to exceed $250,000 for implementation of the Universal Screening Pilot Program.Recommended for AdoptionPass Action details Not available
11-157 14Items 2, 3 and 4 - Chief Judge RequestsAction ReportFrom the Chief Judge, requesting authorization to receive and disburse funds in the amount of $25,000 from the Wisconsin Department of Justice for services and activities of the Milwaukee County Drug Treatment Court in 2011.Recommended for AdoptionPass Action details Not available
INF 11-161 15Online financial disclosure filing of Statement of Economic Interest formInformational ReportFrom the Executive Director, Ethics Board & Executive Secretary, Personnel Review Board, requesting authorization to develop and implement a secure means of online financial disclosure filing via the Statement of Economic Interest form. (12/2/10 Laidover)RECEIVE AND PLACE ON FILE  Action details Not available
11-178 16Accept funding for 2011 Alcohol Enforcement ProgramAction ReportFrom the Office of the Sheriff, requesting authorization to apply for and accept State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation grant funding for an Alcohol Enforcement 2011 program in the amount of $128,199.Recommended for AdoptionPass Action details Not available
11-179 17Funding for 2011 Multi-jurisdictional Alcohol Enforcement programAction ReportFrom the Office of the Sheriff, requesting authorization to apply for and accept State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation grant funding for a Multi-jurisdictional Alcohol Enforcement 2011 program in the amount of $161,060.Recommended for AdoptionPass Action details Not available
11-158 18Amend Water Tower Easement at HOCAction ReportFrom the Inspector, Office of the Sheriff, requesting authorization to amend the Water Tower Easement at the House of Correction to add a second booster station. (Also to the Committee on Judiciary, Safety and General Services)Recommended for AdoptionPass Action details Not available
INF 11-10 19Electronic Medical Records System ReportInformational ReportFrom the Interim Chief Information Officer, submitting an informational report regarding the electronic medical records system. (Also to the Committee on Judiciary, Safety, & General Services.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)RECEIVE AND PLACE ON FILEPass Action details Not available
11-180 110Authorization to pay Joxel Group, LLCAction ReportFrom Director, Child Support Enforcement, requesting authorization to pay invoice submitted by Joxel Group, LLC in the amount of $49,825. (Also to the Committee on Finance and Audit)Recommended for AdoptionPass Action details Not available
11-199 111Settlement payment of $2,575.29 to Anna CiantronAction ReportFrom Deputy Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $2,575.29 to Anna Ciantron in settlement of her claim.Recommended for AdoptionPass Action details Not available
CLAIM 11-8 112Settlement payment of $1,774.07 to Christopher FendosClaim or LitigationFrom Deputy Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $1,774.07 to Christopher Fendos in settlement of all claims arising out of the October 13, 2010 incident at the Milwaukee County Zoo.Recommended for AdoptionPass Action details Not available
CLAIM 11-9 113Settlement payment of $820.51 to James VernonClaim or LitigationFrom Deputy Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $820.51 to James Vernon in full settlement of his claim.Recommended for AdoptionPass Action details Not available
INF 11-162 114Close session discussion of the Estate of Lucinda AnzcakInformational ReportFrom Corporation Counsel, status of the claim of the Estate of Lucinda Anzcak.DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Not available
11-65 115Committee Referal of File No. 10-396OrdinanceAn adopted resolution, 11/4/10, authorizing and directing the Corporation Counsel and outside counsel to provide the Director, Department of Audit, confidential and privileged access to the unreleased Behavioral Health Division patient security report.]Recommended for Adoption  Action details Not available
11-65 1 Committee Referal of File No. 10-396OrdinanceAn adopted resolution, 11/4/10, authorizing and directing the Corporation Counsel and outside counsel to provide the Director, Department of Audit, confidential and privileged access to the unreleased Behavioral Health Division patient security report.]LAY OVER FOR ONE MEETINGPass Action details Not available