Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/19/2024 12:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location:
HYBRID MEETING This meeting was held in Room 200, and was live-streamed on the County Legislative Information Center: https://milwaukeecounty.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-1 112024 Summons & ComplaintsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing an informational report regarding Summons and Complaints.   Not available Video Video
24-2 122024 Notice of ClaimsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding Notice of Claims.   Not available Video Video
24-2 1 2024 Notice of ClaimsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding Notice of Claims.   Not available Video Video
24-3 132024 Files Referred to Standing CommitteesReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing an informational report regarding Files Referred to Standing Committees.   Not available Video Video
24-4 142024 Journal of ProceedingsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding Journal of Proceedings.   Not available Video Video
24-847 15Reappoint Berdie CowserReappointmentReappointment of Berdie Cowser, PhD, to the War Memorial Corporation Board of Trustees.   Not available Not available
24-868 16Reappointment of Monica DeluheryReappointment[Reappointment of Monica Deluhery to the Milwaukee County Federated Library System Board of Trustees]   Not available Not available
24-869 17Reappointment of Paul ZiehlerReappointment[Reappointment of Paul Ziehler to the Milwaukee County Federated Library System Board of Trustees]   Not available Not available
24-867 18Contribution and Participation Agreement 2024 ReportInformational ReportFrom the Capital Project Manager, Office of the Comptroller and the Director of Economic Development, Department of Administrative Services, providing an Annual Informational Report on the Financial Items Contained within the Contribution and Participation Agreement between Milwaukee County and Ballpark Commons LLC. (Considered by the Committees on Audit; and Finance) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Video Video
24-867 1 Contribution and Participation Agreement 2024 ReportInformational ReportFrom the Capital Project Manager, Office of the Comptroller and the Director of Economic Development, Department of Administrative Services, providing an Annual Informational Report on the Financial Items Contained within the Contribution and Participation Agreement between Milwaukee County and Ballpark Commons LLC. (Considered by the Committees on Audit; and Finance) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Video Video
24-72 192024 Contract NotificationsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, providing an informational report regarding contract notifications received pursuant to Sections 44.09(e), 46.09(8), and 56.30(8) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
24-917 110Airport Taxiway Strengthening Fund TransferAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation and the Airport Director, Department of Transportation - Airport Division, Requesting an Appropriation Transfer to Recognize $10,500,000 in Order to Fund Construction Phase Activities for Capital Project WA0445-MKE South Ramp Taxiway Strengthening. (Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Transit for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
24-916 111Airport Interest and Penalties Ordinance Change Airport Interest and Penalties Ordinance ChangeOrdinanceFrom the Director, Department of Transportation and the Airport Director, Department of Transportation - Airport Division, Request for Approval of Ordinance Changes allowing the Airport to 1) Charge Market Rate Interest and Penalties on Unpaid Balances and 2) Implement a $3 per Trip Drop Off Fee for Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) Operating at the Airport. (Referred to the Committees on Transportation and Transit; and Finance)   Not available Video Video
24-891 112Lapse Capital Projects December 2024Action ReportFrom the Capital Project Manager, Office of the Comptroller, requesting approval to process an administrative appropriation transfer to reconcile surplus and deficits in projects that will be closed (listed on Attachments A and B) and lapse the remaining estimated $242,418 of net surplus funds from lapsing Corporate Purpose projects to the Debt Service Reserve.   Not available Not available
24-872 1132025-2027 Bond Counsel ContractAction ReportFrom the Capital Project Manager, Office of the Comptroller, requesting authorization to enter into a professional service agreement with Quarles & Brady LLP for a not-to-exceed amount of $1,135,000 to provide bond counsel services from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027 with additional options for three one year terms.   Not available Not available
24-928 114A resolution/ordinance amending Section 56.02 of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances to require all departments to regularly report updated financial status and projections to the Office of the Comptroller to help determine the County’s oveOrdinanceA resolution/ordinance amending Section 56.02 of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances to require all departments to regularly report updated financial status and projections to the Office of the Comptroller to help determine the County’s overall fiscal position   Not available Video Video
24-880 115A resolution requesting cooperation from all elected offices and county departments to improve data governance, maximize data transparency, and facilitate data-informed decision-makingResolutionA resolution requesting cooperation from all elected offices and county departments to improve data governance, maximize data transparency, and facilitate data-informed decision-making   Not available Video Video
24-926 116Requesting Revised Authorizations Pertaining to of American Rescue Plan Act and Tax Levy Spending in 2025 and 2026, and Requesting Authorization to Utilize Senior Home Repair Tax Levy Funding in 2025Action ReportRequesting Revised Authorizations Pertaining to of American Rescue Plan Act and Tax Levy Spending in 2025 and 2026, and Requesting Authorization to Utilize Senior Home Repair Tax Levy Funding in 2025   Not available Not available
24-934 117Report from the Director, Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance, requesting authorization to carryover unspent Opioid Settlement Funds allocated to Cohort 1 recipients into FY26Action ReportReport from the Director, Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance, requesting authorization to carryover unspent Opioid Settlement Funds allocated to Cohort 1 recipients into FY26 (Referred to the Committees on Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and General Services; and Finance)   Not available Not available
24-933 118December 2024 Fund TransfersAction ReportFrom the Director Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance providing an appropriation transfer packet for the December 2024 cycle.   Not available Not available
24-882 119ARAMARK COMMISSARY CONTRACT EXTENSIONAction ReportPurchase of Service Contract extension with Aramark Correctional Services LLC to extend the term for commissary, trust accounting, and kiosk services.   Not available Not available
24-877 1202024 Wellpath REPORTAction Report2024 Wellpath Amendment (Referred to the Committee on Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and General Services FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
24-887 121EMPLOY MILWAUKEE, INC. CONTRACTAction ReportProfessional Service Contract with Employ Milwaukee, Inc. for a Reentry Case Manager to provide reentry services to residents.   Not available Not available
24-912 122Walker Square Park ImprovementsAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Milwaukee County Parks requesting authorization to recognize revenue and expenditure in a new grant-funded capital project WP #082701 Walker Square Park Improvements. (Referred to the Committee on Parks and Culture for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
24-938 123From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to apply for, accept, and implement a Grant for a maximum amount of $250,000 from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation for the creation of a BAction ReportFrom the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to apply for, accept, and implement a Grant for a maximum amount of $250,000 from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation for the creation of a Bridge Building Small Business Grant to help local small businesses acquire a real estate footprint in their communities. (Referred to the Committees on Community, Environment, and Economic Development; and Finance)   Not available Not available
24-940 124From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to negotiate and enter into agreements with Charles Allis and Villa Terrace Museums, Inc., for the disposition of the Charles Allis Art Museum and ColleAction Report2024 Adopted Budget Amendment 39: From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to negotiate and enter into agreements with Charles Allis and Villa Terrace Museums, Inc., for the disposition of the Charles Allis Art Museum and Collection and Friends of Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, Ltd. for the disposition of the Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum and Collection. (Referred to the Committees on Parks and Culture; and Finance)   Not available Video Video
24-940 1 From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to negotiate and enter into agreements with Charles Allis and Villa Terrace Museums, Inc., for the disposition of the Charles Allis Art Museum and ColleAction Report2024 Adopted Budget Amendment 39: From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to negotiate and enter into agreements with Charles Allis and Villa Terrace Museums, Inc., for the disposition of the Charles Allis Art Museum and Collection and Friends of Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, Ltd. for the disposition of the Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum and Collection. (Referred to the Committees on Parks and Culture; and Finance)   Not available Video Video
24-942 125Director, (DAS) requesting approval to apply and accept WIDOA’s Flexible Facilities Program (FFP) grant award and approval to process administrative transfer to increase expenditure authority & revenue budget for project WS0149 to reflect FFP grant award.Action ReportA request from the Director, Department of Administrative Services (DAS) requesting approval to apply and accept WIDOA’s Flexible Facilities Program (FFP) grant award and approval to process administrative transfer to increase expenditure authority & revenue budget for project WS0149 to reflect FFP grant award.   Not available Not available
24-957 126Proposed Amendments for the OBRA Pension PlanOrdinanceProposed Amendments for the OBRA Pension Plan in Response to 2023 WI Act 12. (Referred to the Committees on Personnel and Finance; the Pension Board, and the Pension Study Commission)   Not available Video Video
24-1053 127Proposed ERS Ordinance Amendment for WRS TransitionOrdinanceFrom the Director of Retirement Plan Services, Department of Human Resources, requesting amendments to Chapters 201.24(2.4), (2.7), (2.9), (2.18), (3.11), (4.1), (4.2), (4.3), (4.4), (4.5), (5.16), and (8.7) and requesting the creation of a new Chapter 201.24(8.25) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances reflecting eligibility changes to ERS as required by State law. (Referred to the Committees on Personnel and Finance; the Pension Board; and the Pension Study Commission)   Not available Video Video
24-932 1282025-2026 IAFF Memorandum of AgreementAction ReportFrom the Employee Relations Director, Department of Human Resources, requesting the approval of the 2025-2026 Memorandum of Agreement between Milwaukee County and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), Local 1072, AFL-CIO.   Not available Not available
24-936 1292025 TEAMCO Memorandum of AgreementAction ReportFrom the Employee Relations Director, Department of Human Resources, requesting the approval of the 2025 Memorandum of Agreement between Milwaukee County and the Technicians, Engineers, and Architects of Milwaukee County.   Not available Not available
24-858 130Delta Dental Contract AmendmentAction ReportFrom the Director of Total Rewards, Department of Human Resources requesting authorization to renew the current contract with Delta Dental effective January 1st, 2025 through December 31st, 2029   Not available Not available
24-885 131RX Benefits ContractAction ReportFrom the Director of Total Rewards, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization for a three-year contract with RX Benefits for pharmacy plan administration from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2027.   Not available Not available
24-886 132Willis Towers Watson Contract ReportAction ReportFrom the Director of Total Rewards, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to execute a one-year contract with Willis Towers Watson for Dependent Eligibility Audit administration from January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025.   Not available Not available
24-884 133Aurora Contract Extension ReportAction ReportFrom the Director of HR Operations/TA/L&D, Department of Human Resources, requesting authority to execute a contract extension renewal with Aurora Health Care at a not-to-exceed annual amount of $250,000 for the provision of occupational health services.   Not available Not available
24-927 134International Assoc of Chiefs of Police Contract Board ReportAction ReportFrom the Chief Human Resources Officer, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to execute a Professional Services Agreement not to exceed $300,000 with the International Association of Chiefs of Police and requesting an appropriation transfer to reallocate $300,000 of previously approved funds from the allocated contingency to the Department of Human Resources. (Referred to the Committee on Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and General Services for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
24-892 135ADS 2025 ContractsAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to execute 2025 contracts for Aging and Disability Services   Not available Not available
24-894 136Senior Nutrition Program 2025 Catering ContractsAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to execute non-professional service contracts with a network of caterers supporting the Senior Nutrition Programs from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025 at a cost of $2,862,754   Not available Not available
24-893 137Goodwill 2024 ContractsAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to amend a 2024 purchase of service contract with Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin by $60,000, from $1,367,903 to $1,427,903, to provide case management and home-delivered meal services to older adults   Not available Not available
24-895 138Serving Older Adults 2025 Purchase of Service ContractsAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to amend two purchase of service contracts with Serving Older Adults of Southeast Wisconsin for senior meal site supervision and programming at the five Milwaukee County-owned senior centers   Not available Not available
24-896 139ADRC 2025 REVENUE CONTRACTAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to execute a contract with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to operate the Aging and Disability Resource Center for the period of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, and to accept $7,220,441 in revenue   Not available Not available
24-902 140ACL Federal GrantAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Heath and Human Services, requesting authorization to retroactively apply for and accept a federal grant requiring a match as well as execute contracts to support emergency and transitional housing for older adults ages 60 and over   Not available Not available
24-943 141Housing Services Federal BJA Grant FundsAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization for Housing Services to retroactively submit and accept federal Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) grant funds in the amount of $1 million and commit a $1 million County match to provide reentry housing opportunities (Referred to the Committees on Health Equity, Human Needs, and Strategic Planning; and Finance)   Not available Not available
24-946 142Support Transportation Contracts and GrantsAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to retroactively apply for and accept a federal grant requiring a match as well as execute contracts to support transportation coordination and operations, and the acquisition of Human Services Vehicles to serve older adults ages 60 and over (Referred to the Committees on Transportation and Transit; and Finance)   Not available Not available
24-947 143ADS Transportation ContractAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to contract with WHC MKE, LLC, dba zTrip for specialized transportation within Aging and Disabilities Services (ADS) (Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Transit for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
24-913 144EBPP 2025 Professional Services ContractAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to execute a 2025 professional service contract totaling $19,500 with Jennifer Lefeber to coordinate and facilitate Evidence-Based Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Programs (EBPP)   Not available Not available
24-897 145CSS FIRE 2024-2025 ContractAction ReportA request from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, to execute a retroactive professional services contract with United Community Center as a Fatherhood FIRE grant partner within Child Support Services   Not available Not available
24-924 146MCW 2025 Professional Service ContractAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to enter into a 2025 professional service contract with the Medical College of Wisconsin   Not available Not available
24-915 147CYFS Youth Aids ContractAction ReportReport from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to enter into a 2025 State contract for Community Youth and Family Aids in the amount of $41,990,627. (Referred to the Committee on Health Equity, Human Needs, and Strategic Planning for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
24-948 148CYFS Birth to 3 ContractsAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to retroactively amend 2024 purchase of service contracts with Birth to 3 community vendors for Children, Youth and Family Services   Not available Not available
24-1056 149Housing Services Emergency Solution GrantAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization for Housing Services to accept City of Milwaukee Emergency Solutions Grant funds in the amount of $161,000 to provide additional homeless services   Not available Not available
24-899 150Housing 2025 Purchase of Service ContractsAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to enter into 2025 purchase of service contracts for programs within Housing Services   Not available Not available
24-921 151State/County 2025 ContractAction ReportReport from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to enter into a 2025 contract with the State of Wisconsin for Social Services and Community Programs (Referred to the Committees on Health Equity, Human Needs, and Strategic Planning for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
24-883 1522024 Employee Engagement Survey ReportInformational ReportFrom the Chief Human Resources Officer, Department of Human Resources, providing an informational report with an overview of the 2024 Employee Engagement Survey results, and next steps. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
24-957 153Proposed Amendments for the OBRA Pension PlanOrdinanceProposed Amendments for the OBRA Pension Plan in Response to 2023 WI Act 12. (Referred to the Committees on Personnel and Finance; the Pension Board, and the Pension Study Commission)   Not available Not available
24-1053 154Proposed ERS Ordinance Amendment for WRS TransitionOrdinanceFrom the Director of Retirement Plan Services, Department of Human Resources, requesting amendments to Chapters 201.24(2.4), (2.7), (2.9), (2.18), (3.11), (4.1), (4.2), (4.3), (4.4), (4.5), (5.16), and (8.7) and requesting the creation of a new Chapter 201.24(8.25) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances reflecting eligibility changes to ERS as required by State law. (Referred to the Committees on Personnel and Finance; the Pension Board; and the Pension Study Commission)   Not available Not available
24-922 155Position RequestAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting the creation of 1.0 FTE Evidence Based Health Promotion Coordinator in pay grade 25 in Aging and Disabilities Services   Not available Not available
24-923 156Position Request ReportAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), requesting the creation of 1.0 FTE Community Intervention Specialist   Not available Not available
24-855 157Request to create 1.0 FTE Events Mgr & abolish 1.0 FTE Mktg&Events Mgr for MCZAction ReportFrom the Executive Zoo Director requesting the creation of 1.0 FTE Events Manager and abolishment of 1.0 FTE Marketing and Events Manager   Not available Not available
24-903 158Abolish Horticulture Director at BBG and create Director of Boerner Botanical GardensAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Parks requesting to abolish 1.0 FTE Horticulture Director at Boerner Botanical Gardens and create 1.0 FTE Director of Boerner Botanical Gardens.   Not available Not available
24-931 159Airport 2 FTE Abolish -CreateAction ReportFrom the Director Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance requesting the abolishment of 1.0 FTE Director Operations and Maintenance Airport (pay grade 903E), and 1.0 FTE Director of Airport Safety (pay grade 903E); and create 1.0 FTE Manager Assistant Airport Operations (pay grade 30M), and 1.0 FTE Airport Public Safety & Security Manager (pay grade 35M) in the Airport division of the Department of Transportation.   Not available Not available
24-900 160Report on the status of Recommendation 11 from 2021 Rock AuditInformational ReportFrom the Director of Audits, an informational report on the status of Recommendation 11 from the 2021 Rock Audit (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Video Video
24-878 161Joint Report from CRC and MCSO on Vaccination Incentive Program EfficacyInformational ReportJoint Report on Vaccination incentive Program Efficacy (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
24-943 162Housing Services Federal BJA Grant FundsAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization for Housing Services to retroactively submit and accept federal Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) grant funds in the amount of $1 million and commit a $1 million County match to provide reentry housing opportunities (Referred to the Committees on Health Equity, Human Needs, and Strategic Planning; and Finance)   Not available Not available
24-859 163Reappointment of Chantell Jewell as Superintendent of the Community Reintegration Center (CRC)Reappointment[Reappointment of Chantell Jewell as Superintendent of the Community Reintegration Center (CRC)]   Not available Not available
24-871 164Appointment of Lucas TotzkeAppointmentAppointment of Lucas Totzke to the Milwaukee County Local Emergency Planning Committee   Not available Not available
24-940 165From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to negotiate and enter into agreements with Charles Allis and Villa Terrace Museums, Inc., for the disposition of the Charles Allis Art Museum and ColleAction Report2024 Adopted Budget Amendment 39: From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to negotiate and enter into agreements with Charles Allis and Villa Terrace Museums, Inc., for the disposition of the Charles Allis Art Museum and Collection and Friends of Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, Ltd. for the disposition of the Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum and Collection. (Referred to the Committees on Parks and Culture; and Finance)   Not available Not available
24-905 1662024 CAMPAC allocationsAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Milwaukee County Parks requesting approval of 2024 CAMPAC allocations   Not available Video Video
24-906 167Easement with the Village of Whitefish Bay for Big Bay ParkAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Milwaukee County Parks, requesting authorization to enter into an Easement with the Village of Whitefish Bay to install, maintain and operate a Storm Sewer pipe on land owned by Milwaukee County located in Big Bay Park.   Not available Not available
24-909 168Expanded easement for WE Energies at Noyes ParkAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Milwaukee of County Parks, requesting authorization to expand on an already existing WE Energies easement at Noyes Park to provide electric service to a new electrical connection.   Not available Not available
24-910 169Easement with the City of Wauwatosa113th Street and Watertown Plank RoadAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Milwaukee County Parks, requesting authorization to enter into an Easement with the City of Wauwatosa to repair, upgrade, operate and maintain a Storm Sewer pipe on land located near 113th Street and Watertown Plank Road.   Not available Not available
24-916 170Airport Interest and Penalties Ordinance Change Airport Interest and Penalties Ordinance ChangeOrdinanceFrom the Director, Department of Transportation and the Airport Director, Department of Transportation - Airport Division, Request for Approval of Ordinance Changes allowing the Airport to 1) Charge Market Rate Interest and Penalties on Unpaid Balances and 2) Implement a $3 per Trip Drop Off Fee for Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) Operating at the Airport. (Referred to the Committees on Transportation and Transit; and Finance)   Not available Not available
24-946 171Support Transportation Contracts and GrantsAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to retroactively apply for and accept a federal grant requiring a match as well as execute contracts to support transportation coordination and operations, and the acquisition of Human Services Vehicles to serve older adults ages 60 and over (Referred to the Committees on Transportation and Transit; and Finance)   Not available Not available
24-898 172DHHS 2025 Community Development Block GrantAction ReportReport from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), requesting approval to allocate anticipated 2025 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME funding   Not available Not available
24-938 173From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to apply for, accept, and implement a Grant for a maximum amount of $250,000 from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation for the creation of a BAction ReportFrom the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to apply for, accept, and implement a Grant for a maximum amount of $250,000 from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation for the creation of a Bridge Building Small Business Grant to help local small businesses acquire a real estate footprint in their communities. (Referred to the Committees on Community, Environment, and Economic Development; and Finance)   Not available Not available
24-939 174From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services, outlining the key changes to Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 75 and their impact on county procedures for handling tax-foreclosed propertiesOrdinanceFrom the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services, outlining the key changes to Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 75 and their impact on county procedures for handling tax-foreclosed properties   Not available Not available
24-742 175A resolution in support of full GPR Funding for Medical Assistance Community Support Programs (MA CSP) and Mental Health Crisis Services in Wisconsin’s 2025-27 State Biennial BudgetResolutionA resolution in support of full GPR Funding for Medical Assistance Community Support Programs (MA CSP) and Mental Health Crisis Services in Wisconsin’s 2025-27 State Biennial Budget (09/09/24: Laid Over for One Meeting)   Not available Video Video
24-929 176A resolution/ordinance to amend Chapter 106 – County Commission on Youth of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances (MCGO) to modify the term of office for youth commissioners to better align with the school calendar yearOrdinanceA resolution/ordinance to amend Chapter 106 - County Commission on Youth of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances (MCGO) to modify the term of office for youth commissioners to better align with the school calendar year   Not available Video Video
24-930 177A resolution urging federal legislators representing Milwaukee County to reinstate federal health care benefits for non-convicted justice-involved individualsResolutionA resolution urging federal legislators representing Milwaukee County to reinstate federal health care benefits for non-convicted justice-involved individuals   Not available Video Video
24-5 1782024 Citations & CertificatesReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding County Board Citations and Certificates.   Not available Video Video
24-5 1782024 Citations & CertificatesReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding County Board Citations and Certificates.   Not available Video Video
24-6 1792024 Files NOT Referred to Standing CommitteesReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing an informational report regarding Files Not Referred to Standing Committees.   Not available Video Video