Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/20/2025 12:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location:
HYBRID MEETING This meeting was held in Room 200, and was live-streamed on the County Legislative Information Center: https://milwaukeecounty.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-1 112025 Summons and ComplaintsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing an informational report regarding Summons and Complaints.   Not available Not available
25-2 122025 Notice of ClaimsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding Notice of Claims.   Not available Not available
25-2 1 2025 Notice of ClaimsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding Notice of Claims.   Not available Not available
25-3 132025 Files Referred to Standing CommitteesReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing an informational report regarding Files Referred to Standing Committees.   Not available Not available
25-4 142025 Journal of ProceedingsReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding Journal of Proceedings.   Not available Not available
25-160 15Reappointment of Patricia Hoben to MPM Board of DirectorsReappointmentFrom the County Executive, reappointing Patricia Hoben, Ph.D., to the Milwaukee Public Museum Board of Directors for a term expiring February 28, 2028.   Not available Not available
25-230 16Appointment of Shawn Rolland to MAM Board of TrusteesAppointmentFrom the County Executive, appointing Supervisor Shawn Rolland to the Milwaukee Art Museum Board of Trustees for a term expiring April 24, 2028.   Not available Not available
25-233 17Reappointment of Marcia Perkins to Commission for Persons with DisabilitiesReappointmentFrom the County Executive, reappointing Marcia Perkins to serve on the Commission for Persons with Disabilities for a term expiring March 31, 2027.   Not available Not available
25-234 18Reappointment of Robert Whitaker to EMS CouncilReappointmentFrom the County Executive, reappointing Chief Robert C. Whitaker, III, to the Emergency Medical Services Council for a term expiring March 31, 2027.   Not available Not available
25-240 19Reappointment of Sherry Mickelson to CPWDReappointmentFrom the County Executive, reappointing Sherry Mickelson to the Milwaukee County Commission for Persons with Disabilities for a term expiring March 30, 2027.   Not available Not available
25-241 110Reappointment of John Haupt to the CPWDReappointmentFrom the County Executive, reappointing John Haupt to serve on the Commission for Persons with Disabilities for a term expiring March 31, 2027.   Not available Not available
25-74 1112025 Year-End Fiscal Projections Reference FileReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, providing an informational report regarding the 2025 year-end fiscal projection for Milwaukee County. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
25-74 1 2025 Year-End Fiscal Projections Reference FileReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, providing an informational report regarding the 2025 year-end fiscal projection for Milwaukee County. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
25-164 1122025 Airport Revenue Bonds ResolutionAction ReportFrom the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, requesting approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance of and establishing parameters for the sale of not to exceed $17,765,000 Airport Revenue Bonds   Not available Not available
25-165 1132025 GO Parameters ResolutionAction ReportFrom the Milwaukee County Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, requesting approval of parameters resolutions issuing an amount not to exceed $195,780,000 in General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds or Promissory Notes to finance various capital projects.   Not available Not available
25-209 114From the Select Committee on Deferred Compensation, requesting authorization to enter into an agreement with Empower Retirement for third-party administration of the Milwaukee County 457(b) Plan of Deferred Compensation for the period effective April 1, 2Action ReportFrom the Select Committee on Deferred Compensation, requesting authorization to enter into an agreement with Empower Retirement for third-party administration of the Milwaukee County 457(b) Plan of Deferred Compensation for the period effective April 1, 2025, through March 31, 2030, with two possible one-year extension options   Not available Not available
25-222 115MCSO request to execute a three-year amendment to the agreement with Inmate Calling Solutions LLC for correctional communication servicesAction ReportFrom the Sheriff, Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office requesting authorization to execute a three-year amendment to the agreement with Inmate Calling Solutions LLC (ICSolutions), for correctional communication services at the Milwaukee County Jail and the Community Reintegration Center for the period of March 29, 2025, to March 28, 2028. (Referred to the Committee on Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and General Services for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
25-180 1162025 AMCA MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENTAction ReportFrom the Employee Relations Director, Department of Human Resources, requesting the approval of the 2025 Memorandum of Agreement between Milwaukee County and the Association of Milwaukee County Attorneys   Not available Not available
25-173 117Lease and Vendor Permit with Ferch’s Beachside LLC for concessions operations at Grant Park PavilionAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Parks, requesting authorization to enter into a Lease and Vendor Permit with Ferch’s Beachside LLC for concessions operations at Grant Park Pavilion (Referred to the Committees on Parks and Culture; and Finance)   Not available Not available
25-171 118Parks release funding from 2025 Adopted Budget Amendment 02Action Report2025 Adopted Budget Amendment 02: From the Executive Director of Milwaukee County Parks requesting approval to release funding from 2025 Adopted Budget Amendment 02 (Referred to the Committee on Parks and Culture for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.60(8), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
25-192 119From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to support Monterrey Market Main, LLC with a County Board Resolution in their application for, acceptance, and implementation of a Community DevelopmentAction ReportFrom the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to support Monterrey Market Main, LLC with a County Board Resolution in their application for, acceptance, and implementation of a Community Development Investment Grant in a maximum amount of $250,000 from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to assist in their 7025 W Main Street Monterrey Market expansion location. (Referred to the Committees on Community, Environment, and Economic Development; and Finance)   Not available Not available
25-188 120A Request from the Director of Architecture, Engineering & Environmental Services regarding authorization to execute a fee increase up to $71,062 for an amendment to the professional services agreement with Barrientos Design and Consulting, Inc. for CapitAction ReportA Request from the Director of Architecture, Engineering & Environmental Services regarding authorization to execute a fee increase up to $71,062 for an amendment to the professional services agreement with Barrientos Design and Consulting, Inc. for Capital Project WP056901 - Washington Park New Service Yard Building and Standardization project, resulting in a Not to Exceed (NTE) contract value up to $447,202.   Not available Not available
25-190 121From the Director, Architecture, Engineering & Environmental Services Section, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to apply for, accept, and administer 2026 Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection suAction ReportFrom the Director, Architecture, Engineering & Environmental Services Section, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to apply for, accept, and administer 2026 Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection support grants, in the approximate amount of $75,000, to partially offset the salaries, training, travel, and office expenses of the Land Conservation Department (Referred to the Committees on Parks and Culture; and Finance)   Not available Not available
25-224 122From the Financial Services Director, Office of the Comptroller, and the Director, Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance, requesting authorization to transfer all but $5.0 million of the projected 2024 year-end surplus to the Debt Service ReserveAction ReportFrom the Financial Services Director, Office of the Comptroller, and the Director, Office of Strategy, Budget and Performance, requesting authorization to transfer all but $5.0 million of the projected 2024 year-end surplus to the Debt Service Reserve   Not available Not available
25-130 12325-130 Amend MCO36 to include Racial Equity Scoring Criteria pursuant to adopted 2025 budget amendment #07OrdinanceFrom the Director Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance providing a report, resolution, and fiscal note to amend Milwaukee County General Ordinance Chapter 36 - Capital Improvements Committee to include Racial Equity Scoring Criteria pursuant to adopted 2025 budget amendment #07   Not available Not available
25-200 124March 2025 Fund TransfersAction ReportFrom the Director Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance providing an appropriation transfer packet for the March 2025 cycle.   Not available Not available
25-199 125Aging 2024 Purchase of Service ContractAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to retroactively increase a 2024 purchase of service contract with First Transit, Inc. by $57,700 for specialized transportation services for older adults   Not available Not available
25-187 126Housing Services City of Milwaukee Emergency Solutions GrantAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization for Housing Services to retroactively accept City of Milwaukee Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) funds in the amount of $31,269 with a required match for housing outreach services   Not available Not available
25-189 127Housing Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes GrantAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization for Housing Services to retroactively accept U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes grant funds in the amount of $7.75 million to create a Lead Hazard Control Reduction Program (Referred to the Committee on Community, Environment, and Economic Development for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.60(8), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
25-193 1282025 Fiscal Agent Housing Services ContractAction Report2025 Adopted Budget Amendment 16: A report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to enter into a 2025 fiscal agent contract within Housing Services (Referred to the Committee on Health Equity, Human Needs, and Strategic Planning for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
25-197 129CYFS Advance Peace ContractsAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to enter into multi-year contracts with the Milwaukee Christian Center, Advance Peace, Dr. Jason Corburn and Medical College of Wisconsin for Children, Youth and Family Services (CYFS) (Referred to the Committee on Health Equity, Human Needs, and Strategic Planning for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Sections 59.51(31)(d) and 59.60(8), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance)   Not available Not available
25-159 130Appointment of Peggy Schneider to PRBAppointmentFrom the County Executive, appointing Peggy Schneider to the Personnel Review Board for a term expiring on March 20, 2030.   Not available Not available
25-152 131Zoo Resident PositionAction ReportFrom the Executive Zoo Director requesting the creation of 1.0 FTE Zoological Medicine and Surgery Resident position   Not available Not available
25-151 132290 Data Analyst Abolish CreateAction Report290 Abolish-Court Coordinator-Create Data Analyst   Not available Not available
25-201 133CYFS HSW Position CreateAction ReportA report from the Director, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), requesting approval to create 1.0 FTE Human Service Worker in paygrade 16Z4 for the Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP) in Children, Youth and Family Services (CYFS)   Not available Not available
25-155 134Appointment of Ed Scaro to the LEPCAppointmentAppointment of Ed Scaro to the Milwaukee County Local Emergency Planning Committee   Not available Not available
25-168 135Appointment of Clifton Phelps to the Ethics BoardAppointmentFrom the County Executive, appointing Clifton Phelps to the Milwaukee County Ethics Board for a term expiring March 20, 2031.   Not available Not available
25-190 136From the Director, Architecture, Engineering & Environmental Services Section, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to apply for, accept, and administer 2026 Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection suAction ReportFrom the Director, Architecture, Engineering & Environmental Services Section, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to apply for, accept, and administer 2026 Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection support grants, in the approximate amount of $75,000, to partially offset the salaries, training, travel, and office expenses of the Land Conservation Department (Referred to the Committees on Parks and Culture; and Finance)   Not available Not available
25-173 137Lease and Vendor Permit with Ferch’s Beachside LLC for concessions operations at Grant Park PavilionAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Parks, requesting authorization to enter into a Lease and Vendor Permit with Ferch’s Beachside LLC for concessions operations at Grant Park Pavilion (Referred to the Committees on Parks and Culture; and Finance)   Not available Not available
25-176 138Storm Sewer Easement with the Village of GreendaleAction ReportFrom the Executive Director of Parks, requesting authorization to enter into a Storm Sewer Easement with the Village of Greendale to install, maintain and operate Storm Sewer Infrastructure on land located in Scout Lake Park.   Not available Not available
25-179 139MCTS MOVE 2025 - Service Change PlanInformational ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation and Interim Director, Milwaukee County Transit System, providing an informational report on MCTS MOVE 2025 - Service Change Plan. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
25-22 1402025 Targeted Business EnterprisesReference FileFrom the Director, Office of Economic Inclusion, Department of Administrative Services, providing an informational report regarding participation and departmental waivers of Milwaukee County’s Targeted Business Enterprise Program, and Federally-funded projects relative to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. (Considered by the Committees on Transportation and Transit; and Community, Environment, and Economic Development) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
24-941 141From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services, an informational report about an amendment to the Development Agreement with Wiegand Investments 2711 LLC to allow a Material Alteration to release a portion of the Property paInformational ReportFrom the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services, an informational report about an amendment to the Development Agreement with Wiegand Investments 2711 LLC to allow a Material Alteration to release a portion of the Property parking area for transfer to a new buyer (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) (12/09/24: Laid Over to the Call of the Chairperson)   Not available Not available
25-191 142From the Security Director of the Department of Administrative Services - Facilities Management Division, an update on Milwaukee County’s ongoing security technology modernization project. The report outlines the progress made in implementing critical secInformational ReportFrom the Security Director of the Department of Administrative Services - Facilities Management Division, an update on Milwaukee County’s ongoing security technology modernization project. The report outlines the progress made in implementing critical security upgrades, including the CCure 9000 access control system, the Genetec surveillance platform, and the development of a centralized Security Command Center. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)   Not available Not available
25-192 143From the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to support Monterrey Market Main, LLC with a County Board Resolution in their application for, acceptance, and implementation of a Community DevelopmentAction ReportFrom the Economic Development Director, Department of Administrative Services requesting authorization to support Monterrey Market Main, LLC with a County Board Resolution in their application for, acceptance, and implementation of a Community Development Investment Grant in a maximum amount of $250,000 from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to assist in their 7025 W Main Street Monterrey Market expansion location. (Referred to the Committees on Community, Environment, and Economic Development; and Finance)   Not available Not available
25-147 144A resolution urging state legislators to adopt legislation requiring drivers to utilize hands-free technology to reduce the likelihood of distraction-related crashesResolutionA resolution urging state legislators to adopt legislation requiring drivers to utilize hands-free technology to reduce the likelihood of distraction-related crashes (01/31/25: Laid Over to the Call of the Chairperson)   Not available Not available
25-5 1452025 Citations and CertificatesReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing a report regarding County Board Citations and Certificates.   Not available Not available
25-6 1462025 Files Not Referred to Standing CommitteesReference FileFrom the Milwaukee County Clerk, Office of the County Clerk, providing an informational report regarding Files Not Referred to Standing Committees.   Not available Not available