Meeting Name: Committee on Personnel Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/9/2012 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 201-B
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
12-144 11Meet and ConferResolutionA resolution authorizing the development of a process whereby designated representatives of authorized employee groups meet and confer with Milwaukee County management representatives on terms and conditions of employment and operational issues. (3/12 referred to Corporation Counsel for a legal opinion)REFERPass Action details Not available
RES 11-608 1210-447 Defined Contribution ResolutionResolutionA resolution authorizing and directing the Employee Benefits Workgroup to fully develop a graduated defined contribution pension plan to replace the existing defined benefit plan, and to report back with a final plan for implementation. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.) (09/23/11: Referred to the Employee Benefits Workgroup for a follow-up report.)AMENDPass Action details Not available
RES 11-608 1 10-447 Defined Contribution ResolutionResolutionA resolution authorizing and directing the Employee Benefits Workgroup to fully develop a graduated defined contribution pension plan to replace the existing defined benefit plan, and to report back with a final plan for implementation. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.) (09/23/11: Referred to the Employee Benefits Workgroup for a follow-up report.)APPROVED AS AMENDED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
12-267 13Informational Report-Reclass Adv within PR Reallocation & Rev to ECPInformational ReportFrom the Director, Department of Human Resources, relative to reclassification of existing positions, reallocations of non-represented positions, advancements within the pay range and all revisions to Executive Compensation Positions (ECP). (Recommendations to be implemented unless Supervisor(s) object.)REJECTPass Action details Not available
12-267 1 Informational Report-Reclass Adv within PR Reallocation & Rev to ECPInformational ReportFrom the Director, Department of Human Resources, relative to reclassification of existing positions, reallocations of non-represented positions, advancements within the pay range and all revisions to Executive Compensation Positions (ECP). (Recommendations to be implemented unless Supervisor(s) object.)RECONSIDERPass Action details Not available
12-267 1 Informational Report-Reclass Adv within PR Reallocation & Rev to ECPInformational ReportFrom the Director, Department of Human Resources, relative to reclassification of existing positions, reallocations of non-represented positions, advancements within the pay range and all revisions to Executive Compensation Positions (ECP). (Recommendations to be implemented unless Supervisor(s) object.)REJECTFail Action details Not available
12-303 14CB Reclass ReportInformational ReportFrom County Board Staff relative to reclassification of existing positions, reallocations of non-represented positions, advancements within the pay range and all revisions to Executive Compensation Positions (ECP) in the Department of Human Resources. (Recommendations to be implemented unless Supervisor(s) object.)DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Not available
12-270 15Informational Report-Appt at Adv Step in the Pay RangeInformational ReportFrom the Director, Department of Human Resources, relative to appointments at an advanced step of the pay range. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY)DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Not available
12-271 16Informational Report-Dual Appt Emerg Appt, Temp Appt & TAHCInformational ReportFrom the Director, Department of Human Resources, relative to dual employment, temporary assignments to a higher classification, temporary appointments and emergency appointments. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY)DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Not available
12-25 17Request Transfer Sustainability Dir to Unclassified PosInformational ReportFrom the Director of Human Resources, relative to requests to the Civil Service Commission regarding determination of whether a position will be in the “classified” or “unclassified” service. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY)DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Not available
12-218 18Stefanie Erickson TAHC MemoAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to retroactively extend the Temporary Assignment to a Higher Classification (TAHC) for Stefanie Erickson who previously served in the position of Contract Services Coordinator in the Behavioral Health Division, Department of Health and Human Services, until it was filled on January 23, 2012.APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
12-219 19Kim Brooks TAHC Ext MemoAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to retroactively extend the Temporary Assignment to a Higher Classification (TAHC) for Kim Brooks who previously served in the position of Information and Outreach Coordinator in the Behavioral Health Division, Department of Health and Human Services, until December 9, 2011.APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
12-261 1102012 Budget Create MemoAction ReportFrom the Director of Human Resources, submitting recommendations for appropriate classifications and rates of pay for positions created in the 2012 Adopted Budget. (03/09/2012: Referred to HR for follow-up report.)REFERPass Action details Not available
12-256 111DC48 CBA crosswalk referral memoOrdinanceFrom the Director, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to incorporate AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions into and amend various sections of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances that pertain to compensation and fringe benefits. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel) (03/15/2012 Referred back to Committee by the Board)APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
12-278 112FLSA Board Report March 2012Informational ReportFrom the Director of Human Resources, an adopted resolution/ordinance amending Chapter 17.16(1)(b) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances regarding overtime compensation to make them consistent with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). (Quarterly reports due.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Not available
11-414 113Request to amend Milwaukee County General Ordinance (MCGO) 17.207 Grievance ProcedureOrdinanceFrom the Department of Administrative Services, Corporation Counsel, Office of the Personnel Review Board, and the Department of Labor Relations requesting authorization to amend Milwaukee County General Ordinance (MCGO) 17.207 as it pertains to the Grievance Procedure. (03/09/12: Laid over.)LAY OVER FOR ONE MEETINGPass Action details Not available
12-282 114Request for Dual Fill of Airport Maintenance Worker-In Charge PositionAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Transportation, requesting authorization to allow the Airport Director to double fill one position of Airport Maintenance Worker-In Charge (Title Code 32460, Pay Range 15KZ) until May 31, 2012.APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
12-230 115Dependent Eligibility Audit Serv Contract Request ReportAction Report2011 Budget Amendment 1C008: From the Benefits Administrator, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to execute a three-year contract with Buck Consultants for a one-time initial audit of all covered dependents and ongoing verifications of newly covered dependents. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.)CONCURREDPass Action details Not available
12-231 116Willis Consulting Contract ReportAction ReportFrom the Benefits Administrator, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to execute a three-year contract with Willis for benefits consulting and actuarial services through December 2014 with two additional consecutive one-year renewal options at the County’s discretion. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.)CONCURREDPass Action details Not available
12-69 117Amendment to Section 201.24(8.2) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances as it pertains to membership on the Pension BoardOrdinanceFrom the Interim Director, Employee Benefits, requesting an amendment to Section 201.24(8.2) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances as it pertains to membership on the Pension Board. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel and the Pension Study Commission.) (In January 2012, this item was amended and laid over for one cycle by both Committees and the Pension Study Commission.)APPROVED AS AMENDED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
12-273 118MCGO Change for Residency ExtensionOrdinanceFrom the County Executive, requesting authorization to amend Section 17.305(1) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances as it pertains to residency requirements for appointed and unclassified positions.AMENDPass Action details Not available
12-273 1 MCGO Change for Residency ExtensionOrdinanceFrom the County Executive, requesting authorization to amend Section 17.305(1) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances as it pertains to residency requirements for appointed and unclassified positions.APPROVED AS AMENDED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
12-246 119Ch 32 Proc Dir ReportOrdinanceFrom the Director, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to amend various sections of Chapter 32 of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances as it pertains to the position of Procurement Director created in the 2012 Adopted Budget and its oversight of the Procurement Division. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.)CONCURREDPass Action details Not available
12-285 120Collateral Agreement ReportInformational ReportAn adopted Resolution by Supervisor Jursik amending Chapters 79 and 80 of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances to clarify the negotiation, review, and approval process for collateral agreements with collective bargaining units. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.) (Per adoption of the Resolution, Quarterly Report due from Labor Relations.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Not available
12-233 121Milwaukee County Comptroller Position CreateAction ReportFrom the Director, Human Resources, requesting authorization to create one position of Comptroller which will be an elected position in Milwaukee County. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel and the Departments of Administrative Services and Human Resources.)CONCURREDPass Action details Not available
12-165 122BHD Abolish Create Com Ser Mgmt CoordAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to abolish one Integrated Services Coordinator position, one Clerical Specialist Mental Health Division (MHD) position and one half-time (.5 FTE) Human Service Worker Mental Health (MH) position and create one Community Services Management Coordinator position and one Facilities Management Specialist position at the Behavioral Health Division. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel and the Departments of Administrative Services and Human Resources.)CONCURREDPass Action details Not available
INF 11-419 123Capping the Backdrop Pension BenefitInformational Report2011 Budget Amendment 1C010: From the Employee Benefits Workgroup, submitting an informational report regarding what steps must occur in order to cap the backdrop pension benefit. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.) (09/11: Follow-up report requested.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)AJOURNED INTO CLOSED SESSIONPass Action details Not available
12-39 124pending litigationInformational ReportFrom Corporation Counsel, providing a status update on pending litigation. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)AJOURNED INTO CLOSED SESSIONPass Action details Not available
12-31 125Collective BargainingReference FileDeliberation, negotiation or re-negotiation of collective bargaining agreements.AJOURNED INTO CLOSED SESSIONPass Action details Not available