| 1 | 1 | Request for Approval for Milw Co's 2018 Property & Casualty Insurance Program
Request or Approval for Milw County's 2018 Property & Casualty Insurance Program | Action Report | From the Director of Risk Management, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization for Aon Risk Services to bind Milwaukee County’s property and casualty insurance program with total premium expenses in the amount of $2,962,512 for the period effective January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2018. (Referred to the Committee on Judiciary, Safety, and General Services for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance and Audit) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
| 1 | 2 | Robert X. Morales v. Lt. Hannah, et al. | Small Claim | From Deputy Corporation Counsel, Office of Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $2,500 by the Wisconsin Mutual Insurance Corporation to settle the matter of Robert X. Morales v. Lt. Hannah, et al., ED Wis. Case No. 16-CV-1074. | APPROVED BY THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 3 | Candy Lab, Inc. v. Milwaukee County | Claim or Litigation | From Deputy Corporation Counsel, Office of Corporation Counsel, recommending payment in the amount of $83,000 by the Wisconsin Mutual Insurance Corporation on behalf of Milwaukee County to settle the matter of Candy Lab, Inc. v. Milwaukee County, Case No. 2017-CV-569-JPS. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 4 | 2017 Pending Litigation Reference File | Reference File | From Corporation Counsel, Office of Corporation Counsel, providing an informational monthly report regarding the status of pending litigation. (Considered by the Committees on Judiciary, Safety, and General Services, and Finance and Audit) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details