| 1 | 1 | DC 48 Retiree Health Care | Action Report | From the Interim Director, Department of Labor Relations, recommending that the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors reaffirm the 2011 Adopted Budget policy of implementing health care plan design changes for all retirees and implement the 2011 health care plan for those retirees previously covered under the 2007-2008 District Council 48 Collective Bargaining Agreement. | AMEND | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | DC 48 Retiree Health Care | Action Report | From the Interim Director, Department of Labor Relations, recommending that the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors reaffirm the 2011 Adopted Budget policy of implementing health care plan design changes for all retirees and implement the 2011 health care plan for those retirees previously covered under the 2007-2008 District Council 48 Collective Bargaining Agreement. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
INF 11-29
| 1 | 2 | Collective Bargaining | Informational Report | Deliberation, negotiation, or renegotiation of collective bargaining agreements. | AJOURNED INTO CLOSED SESSION | Pass |
Action details
Not available