| 1 | 1 | $9.1 million Parks Improvement Projects List from Parks Director | Informational Report | 2015 Adopted Budget Amendment 1B002: From the Director, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Culture, providing recommendations for Parks Infrastructure Projects to the Capital Improvements Committee as directed by the 2015 Adopted Capital Improvements Budget. (Considered by the Capital Improvements Committee and the Committee on Parks, Energy, and Environment) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE) | DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN | |
Action details
| 1 | 2 | CIC Recommendations for $9.1 million Parks Improvement Projects | Action Report | 2015 Adopted Budget Amendment 1B002: From the Capital Improvements Committee, requesting authorization to implement formal recommendations, including an appropriation transfer, relative to approximately $9.1 million in Parks Infrastructure Projects as directed by the 2015 Adopted Capital Improvements Budget. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 3 | MAM discussions re: sale/lease of O'Donnell Park and parking structure | Resolution | A resolution authorizing Corporation Counsel to enter into initial discussions with Milwaukee Art Museum, Inc., (MAM) to explore the possibility of a sale or lease of O’Donnell Park and Parking Structure to MAM with a priority of retaining public access to the Park. (03/26/15: Laid Over for One Meeting by the Board) | AMENDED | Fail |
Action details
| 1 | | MAM discussions re: sale/lease of O'Donnell Park and parking structure | Resolution | A resolution authorizing Corporation Counsel to enter into initial discussions with Milwaukee Art Museum, Inc., (MAM) to explore the possibility of a sale or lease of O’Donnell Park and Parking Structure to MAM with a priority of retaining public access to the Park. (03/26/15: Laid Over for One Meeting by the Board) | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Fail |
Action details