From the Director of Transportation and Public Works, submitting an informational report regarding the status on the Implementation of the Green Print Resolution Provisions. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)
The “Green Print” resolution requires regular reporting to the County Board on the status of its implementation. Reporting began in 2008. This is the second report for 2011.
Current Status on Each Provision (designated by the bulleted items)
Performance Contracting/Construction
? The Department of Public Works shall adopt a wide-scale performance contracting initiative to review and retrofit 20% of all County public buildings annually with high-performance, energy efficient technology in an effort to save money once a baseline assessment has been performed by department staff. The Department of Transportation and Public Works will be required to report back quarterly on the progress made and savings achieved.
Guaranteed energy savings performance contracts (GESPCs) have been a primary mechanism for implementing energy-efficiency improvements to County buildings over the past several years. Phase 1 contracts were completed at the end of 2009. Table 1 summarizes the buildings that were retrofitted as part of the Phase 1 contracts and the guaranteed energy savings for those projects.
We are currently in Phase 2. A list of buildings addressed as part of Phase 2 performance contracts were developed in the Spring of 2010. This list is provided in Table 2. Technical energy audits (TEAs) have been completed on all of the approved buildings, and these audits were used to develop the scope of the Phase 2 contracts. There are three Phase 2 GESPCs in various stages of completion. One of the contracts - Honeywell - is near completion. A Phase 2 GESPC with Johnson Controls (JCI) was approved this summer and is in progress. Contract terms for a third GESPC - AMERESCO - has undergone due diligence re...
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