From the Director, Department of Transportation and Public Works, and the Airport Director submitting an informational report on the status of all currently authorized Airport Capital Improvement Projects and requesting that 2007 Budget Amendment 1B027 be hereby rescinded and the requirement for the semi-annual report be eliminated. (Referred to the Committees on Transportation, Public Works, and Transit and Finance and Audit.)
County Board approval is required to terminate 2007 adopted budget Amendment 1B027 on Airport Capital Improvement Projects.
Based on discussions held during the Finance Committee's review of the Airport's Capital Improvement Budget in late 2006, the 2007 budget included Amendment 1B027 relating to the Airport Capital Improvement Projects. The directive from the amendment includes that:
"The Airport Director shall submit quarterly reports to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Transportation and Public Works on the status of all currently authorized Capital Improvement Projects. In a form pre-approved by the DAS Capital Finance Manager, County Board staff and Director of Audits, the report shall provide the following information for each authorized Capital Improvement Project:
• Date of initial County Board approval
• Brief description of scope of project
• Estimated completion date
• Expenditures and revenues summary, including reconciliation of each revenue source (e.g. Passenger Facility Charges, Airport Reserve, Bonds and Miscellaneous Revenue) and amount of committed funds for each.
• Date, purpose and amount of any approved appropriation transfers
The Finance Committee later recommended that the presentation of this capital improvement report be adjusted to biannual rather than quarterly as originally directed. Semi-annual reports have since been provided.
Attached is the first semi-annual report for 2011, which indicates the expenditure and revenue summaries of the Airport's active Capital Improvement projects through June, 2011. The capital projects shown are at various stages of development, several of which are nearing completion and will be closed out during the year indicated.
These Airport Capital Improvement reports, which have been submitted quarterly, then semi-annually essentially duplicate information readily available in the County's financial Advantage System. Generally, these reports are presented and placed on file by the Finance Committee and rarely generate any questions or discussion. In addition, Airport staff has not received any comments, questions, or suggestions from the Department of Administrative Services over the four years these reports have been developed. While Airport staff is more than willing to continue preparing these reports, a significant amount of staff time is required to develop them.
Subsequently, Airport staff respectfully requests that 2007 Budget Amendment 1B027 be rescinded and the development of this semi-annual report be eliminated.
Airport staff recommends that the 2007 Budget Amendment 1B027 be rescinded and the development of this semi-annual report be eliminated.
There is no tax levy impact associated with this action.
Prepared by: Patricia M Walslager, Deputy Airport Director, Finance & Administration
Approved by:
_______________________ ____________________________
Jack Takerian, Director of C. Barry Bateman
Transportation and Public Works Airport Director
Cc: Patrick Farley , Director, Department of Administrative Services
Pamela Bryant, Interim Fiscal and Budget Administrator
Justin Rodriguez, Interim Capital Finance Manager
Carol Mueller, Committee Clerk, Finance & Audit Committee
Jodi Mapp, Committee Clerk, Transportation, Public Works & Transit Committee
H:\Private\Clerk Typist\Aa01\TPW&T 11\Sept 2011\REPORT - Capital Semi-Annual Response Informational_August 2011.doc