From the County Executive, appointing Ms. Maria Ledger to the position of Director of the Department of Family Care for Milwaukee County.
Pursuant to Wisconsin Stats 46.82(5)(a) 2., and subject to the confirmation of your Honorable Body, I am pleased to appoint Ms. Maria Ledger to the position of Director of the Department of Family Care for Milwaukee County.
Maria Ledger has served as the Director of the Milwaukee County Care Management since February 2006, both for the Department on Aging and, starting in 2010, as Interim Director of the Department of Family Care.
From November 2003 to January 2006, Ms. Ledger served as the Associate Director of the Center on Age & Community (CAC) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Prior to joining, UWM, Ms. Ledger worked for Milwaukee County for over 15 years, for both the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department on Aging, in a variety of capacities. Ms. Ledger has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Marquette University and a Master's degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale.
Ms. Ledger is a very capable manager and director. I am confident Ms. Ledger will continue the same high level of leadership as she has demonstrated as interim director. A copy of her resume is attached for your review.
Chris Abele
Milwaukee County Executive