A summary of fund transfers being presented to the Finance and Audit Committee. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)
Description Amount
DTPW - Highway Services $50,000
1. The Director of Transportation and Public Works and the Director of Highway Operations have requested at $50,000 transfer to provide funding and expenditure authority to mitigate construction activity along I-94. The funds are necessary for the planning and execution of a contract with the WISDOT to ensure the safety, accessibility, mobility for the traveling public in the project area including I-94 from STH 16 to the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Line and 70th Street to 32nd Street. Also included in the project area are local alternate route streets within four miles of the interstate roadways. This 100% reimbursed project involves a commitment beginning December 1, 2010 and ending by December 1, 2012.
Approved by:
Jack Takerian, Director of
Transportation and Public Works