File #: 24-105    Version: 1 Name: January 2024 $2.6M Unspent Bond Reallocation
Type: Action Report Status: Signed
File created: 12/26/2023 In control: County Clerk
On agenda: Final action: 2/8/2024
Title: From the Milwaukee County Comptroller requesting approval to allocate approximately $2.6 million in unspent bond proceeds from the Debt Service Reserve; and to process the associated administrative appropriation transfers to pay eligible debt service expenses, to reduce the 2024 financing needed for Project WT015401 - Bus Replacement 30 Clean Diesel, to provide additional funding to ongoing projects with shortfalls, and to place remaining funding into the countywide unallocated contingency account.
Attachments: 1. 24-105 REPORT, 2. 24-105 RESOLUTION, 3. 24-105 FISCAL NOTE, 4. 24-105 COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION, 5. 24-105 SIGNATURE PAGE
Related files: 24-104, 23-889, 23-945, 25-112, 24-343, 24-472


From the Milwaukee County Comptroller requesting approval to allocate approximately $2.6 million in unspent bond proceeds from the Debt Service Reserve; and to process the associated administrative appropriation transfers to pay eligible debt service expenses, to reduce the 2024 financing needed for Project WT015401 - Bus Replacement 30 Clean Diesel, to provide additional funding to ongoing projects with shortfalls, and to place remaining funding into the countywide unallocated contingency account.

