File #:
Request for authorization to execute 2019 program and service contracts for supportive social services and community programs serving Milwaukee County seniors age 60 or older
Action Report
On agenda:
Final action:
From the Director, Department on Aging, requesting authorization to execute Program and Service Contracts with: Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc., in the amount of $376,714; United Community Center, Inc., in the amount of $373,189; Unison in the total amount of $1,875,348; Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc., in the amount of $1,162,903; Able Access Transportation, Inc., in the amount of $1,410,460; and Serving Older Adults, Inc., in the amount of $450,000 for supportive social services and community programs serving Milwaukee County seniors age 60 or older, for the period effective January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019. (Referred to the Committee on Health and Human Needs for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance and Audit)
1. 18-897 REPORT, 2. 18-897 REVISED REPORT (11/29/18), 3. 18-897 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT (12/04/18), 4. 18-897 RESOLUTION (v1), 5. 18-897 REVISED RESOLUTION (v2 11/28/18), 6. 18-897 REVISED RESOLUTION (v3 11/29/18), 7. 18-897 REVISED RESOLUTION (v4 12/06/18), 8. 18-897 FISCAL NOTE (Legal Action of Wisconsin), 9. 18-897 1684 FORM (Legal Action of Wisconsin), 10. 18-897 CONTRACT (Legal Action of Wisconsin), 11. 18-897 FISCAL NOTE (United Community Center), 12. 18-897 1684 FORM (United Community Center), 13. 18-897 CONTRACT (United Community Center), 14. 18-897 FISCAL NOTE (Unison, Alzheimers/Family Caregiver Support), 15. 18-897 1684 FORM (Unison, Alzheimers/Family Caregiver Support), 16. 18-897 CONTRACT (Unison, Alzheimers/Family Caregiver Support), 17. 18-897 FISCAL NOTE (Unison, Nutrition Site Supervision Services), 18. 18-897 1684 FORM (Unison, Nutrition Site Supervision Services), 19. 18-897 CONTRACT (Unison, Nutrition Site Supervision Services), 20. 18-897 FISCAL NOTE (Unison, Outreach Services), 21. 18-897 1684 FORM (Unison, Outreach Services), 22. 18-897 CONTRACT (Unison, Outreach Services), 23. 18-897 FISCAL NOTE (Unison, Senior Center Programming), 24. 18-897 1684 FORM (Unison, Senior Center Programming), 25. 18-897 CONTRACT (Unison, Senior Center Programming), 26. 18-897 UNISON CONTRACT TEMPLATE (12/06/18), 27. 18-897 FISCAL NOTE (Goodwill Industries of SE WI), 28. 18-897 1684 FORM (Goodwill Industries of SE WI), 29. 18-897 CONTRACT (Goodwill Industries of SE WI), 30. 18-897 FISCAL NOTE (Able Access Transportation), 31. 18-897 1684 FORM (Able Access Transportation), 32. 18-897 CONTRACT (Able Access Transportation), 33. 18-897 FISCAL NOTE (Serving Older Adults), 34. 18-897 1684 FORM (Serving Older Adults), 35. 18-897 CONTRACT (Serving Older Adults), 36. 18-897 F&A AMENDMENT I (Failed; Vote 2-4), 37. 18-897 COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION, 38. 18-897 COUNTY BOARD AMENDMENT I (Passed; Vote 16-0), 39. 18-897 COUNTY BOARD ENGROSSED RESOLUTION
Related files:
17-763, 17-792, 17-793, 17-794, 18-97, 19-24, 19-331, 19-76, 19-424, 19-667, 19-866, 19-252, 19-427, 19-489, 19-599, 19-851, 19-822, 19-817, 19-867, 19-878, 19-871, 19-869, 19-870, 19-868, 20-409
From the Director, Department on Aging, requesting authorization to execute Program and Service Contracts with: Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc., in the amount of $376,714; United Community Center, Inc., in the amount of $373,189; Unison in the total amount of $1,875,348; Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc., in the amount of $1,162,903; Able Access Transportation, Inc., in the amount of $1,410,460; and Serving Older Adults, Inc., in the amount of $450,000 for supportive social services and community programs serving Milwaukee County seniors age 60 or older, for the period effective January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019. (Referred to the Committee on Health and Human Needs for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY per Section 59.52(31)(d), Wisconsin State Statutes; Referred to the Committee on Finance and Audit)