File #:
2016 Recommended Budget
On agenda:
Final action:
From the County Executive, submitting the 2016 Recommended Budget.
1. Link to 2016 Recommended Operating and Capital Budgets, 2. Detailed Budget by Department, 3. Personnel Detail by Department, 4. Budget Meeting Schedule, 5. 2016 Budget Overview, 6. Research Services Overview Presentation, 7. Audio Public Hearing 10/12/15, 8. Milwaukee County Ethics Board, 9. Human Resources Presentation, 10. Department of Administrative Services Presentation, 11. Health and Human Services Presentation, 12. Fringe Benefits Presentation, 13. Veteran's Services Presentation, 14. Department of Child Support Services Presentation, 15. Org. Unit 4500 Correspondence, 16. Office of the Medical Examiner Presentation, 17. Office of Emergency Management Presentation, 18. Milwaukee County HOC Presentation, 19. WO614 Build Out 10 Sites to Digital Presentation, 20. Org. Unit 4000 Correspondence, 21. Department of Transportation Presentation, 22. Milwaukee County Parks Presentation, 23. Milwaukee County Zoo Presentation, 24. Org. Unit 9910 UW Extension Correspondence, 25. DAS Information Management Services Division Presentation, 26. Department on Aging Presentation, 27. My Choice Family Care Presentation, 28. Org. Unit 7990 Corresondence, 29. Behavioral Health Division Presentation, 30. BUDGET AMENDMENTS 10/26/15, 31. Amendment 1A001-Org. Units 1800, 4000, 1151 & 3700, 32. Amendment 1A002-Org. Units 1011 & 4000, 33. Amendment 1A003-Org. Unit 1020 & 1800, 34. Amendment 1A004-Org. Unit 1020, 35. Amendment 1A005-Org. Units 1020 & 3270, 36. Amendment 1B001-Capital Project WO03801, 37. Amendment 1B002-Capital Projects WO16601, WO16701, Org. Units 1151, 1940, & 9960, 38. Amendment 1B003-Capital Projects WO03801 & WO118, 39. Amendment 1C001-Org. Unit 1900 SPA 4, 40. BUDGET AMENDMENTS 10/28/15, 41. Amendment 1A006-Org. Unit 1151, 42. Amendment 1A007-Org. Units 1940, 1011 through 9500 & 1950, 43. Amendment 1A009-Org. Units 1151 & 9000, 44. Amendment 1A013-Org. Unit 9000, 45. Amendment 1A016-Org. Unit1151, 46. Amendment 1A017-Org. Unit 1140, 47. Amendment 1A021-Org. Units 8000 & 2000, 48. Amendment 1A022-Org. Unit 1140, 49. Amendment 1A023-Org. Unit 3270, 50. Amendment 1A028-Org. Unit 9000, 51. Amendment 1A030-Org. Unit 1151, 52. Amendment 1A031-Org. Unit 4800, 53. Amendment 1A032-Org. Unit 4000, 54. Amendment 1A033-Org. Unit 9000, 55. Amendment 1A034-Org. Unit 1140, 56. Amendment 1A040-Org. Unit 7900, 57. Amendment 1A041-Org. Units 1140 & 1151, 58. Amendment 1A042-Org. Unit 9000, 59. Amendment 1A043-Org. Unit 9000, 60. Amendment 1B001-Captail Project WO03801, 61. Amendment 1B003-Capital Projects WO03801 & WO118, 62. Amendment 1B004-Capital Projects WO63201 & WP609, 63. Amendment 1B006-Capital Project WP61601, 64. Amendment 1B008-Introduction to Capital Budget, 65. Amendment 1C002-Org. Unit 1940, 66. BUDGET AMENDMENTS 10/29/15, 67. Amendment 1A008-Org. Units 1000, 1150, 1160, 1930, & 1950, 68. Amendment 1A010-Org. 5040 Timmerman Study.docx, 69. Amendment 1A011-Org. Unit 5600, 70. Amendment 1A012-Org. Unit 5600, 71. Amendment 1A013-Org. Unit 9000, 72. Amendment 1A014-Org. Unit 9000, 73. Amendment 1A015-Org. Units 9000 & 9500, 74. REVISED Amendment 1A017-Org. Unit 1140, 75. Amendment 1A018-Org. Units 1000 to 9910, 76. Amendment 1A020-Org. Unit 1011, 77. Amendment 1A024-Org. Units 1800 & 1151, 78. Amendment 1A025-Org. Units 1800 & 1151, 79. Amendment 1A026-Org. Unit 9000, 80. Amendment 1A027-Org. Unit 9000, 81. Amendment 1A028-Org. Unit 9000, 82. Amendment 1A029-Org. Unit 9000, 83. Amendment 1A035-Org. Unit 5600, 84. Amendment 1A036-Org. Unit 5600, 85. Amendment 1A037-Org. Unit 5600, 86. Amendment 1A038-Org. Unit 5600, 87. Amendment 1A044-Org. Unit 9000, 88. Amendment 1A045-Org. Unit 9000, 89. Amendment 1A046-Org. Unit 9000, 90. Amendment 1A047-Org. Unit 3700, 91. Amendment 1A048-Org. Unit 5040, 92. Amendment 1A049-Org. Unit 5600, 93. Amendment 1A050-Org. Unit 1000, 94. Amendment 1A051-Org. Unit 9000, 95. Amendment 1A053-Org. Unit 1994, 96. Amendment 1B004-Capital Projects WO63201 & WP609, 97. Amendment 1B007-Capital Projects WP36809 & WP61001, 98. Amendment 1B009-Capital Projects WP61301 & WP61401, 99. Amendment 1B010-Capital Projects WP61701, WP61801, & WP61802, 100. Amendment 1B011-Capital Project WP61001, 101. Amendment 1C003-Org. Unit 1900, 102. Fiscal Synopsis and Amendment Concerns, 103. Amendment No. 1 (amendments in FPA-Budget), 104. Amendment No. 2 (position actions), 105. Audio Public Hearing 11/02/15, 106. Public Hearing Comment Cards 11/02/15, 107. Milwaukee County Budget Public Hearing Handout 1 SEIU.pdf, 108. Milwaukee County Budget Public Hearing Handout 2 Disabilities Rights Wisconsin.pdf, 109. Milwaukee County Budget Public Hearing Handout 3 Pulaski Pavilion.pdf, 110. REVISED Amendment No. 2 (position actions), 111. BUDGET AMENDMENTS 11/04/15, 112. Amendment 1A052-Org. Unit 1994, 113. Amendment 1A054-Org. Unit 8000, 114. Amendment 1A055-Org. Unit 1151, 115. Amendemnt 1A056-Org. Unit 9000, 116. Amendment 1A057-Org. Unit 1151, 117. Amendment 1A058-Org. Unit 1140, 118. Amendment 1A059-Org. Unit 4800, 119. Amendment 1A060-Org. Unit 5600, 120. Amendment 1A061-Org. Units 4500 & 4000, 121. Amendment 1A062-Org. Unit 1945, 122. Amendment 1A063-Org. Unit 4300, 123. Amendment 1A064-Org. Unit 1020, 124. Amendment 1A065-Org. Unit 8000, 125. Amendment 1A066-Org. Unit 5600, 126. Amendment 1A067-Org. Units 4500 & 4000, 127. Amendment 1A068-Org. Unit 9000, 128. Amendment 1B005-Captial Project WT02601, 129. Amendment 1B012-Captial Projects WO16601 & WO16701, Org. Units 1151, 1940, 9960, 9000 & 4300, 130. Amendment 1B013-Capital Project WP619, 131. Amendment 1B014-Org. Unit 9000, Capital Projects WH09701 & WP Noyes Pool Sign Improvements, 132. Amendment 1B015-Capital Project WP620, 133. Amendment 1C004-Org. Units 1950 &1800, 134. 2016 Final Expenditure (Final FPA-Budget Meeting), 135. 2016 Final Levy (Final FPA-Budget Meeting), 136. BLUE AMENDMENT PACKET-Approved Amendments, 137. PINK AMENDMENT PACKET-Substitute Amendments, 138. YELLOW AMENDMENT PACKET- Rejected/Failed Amendments, 139. SOR Amendment 1A069-Org. Unit 9000.pdf, 140. SOR Amendment 1A070-Org. Unit 1940 Appropriation for Contingencies & Various Org. Units, 141. SOR Amendment 1B016-Capital Project WP62002-Wahl Park Pavilion, 142. 2016 Final Expenditure, 143. 2016 Final Levy, 144. 2016 Budget Veto Statements, 145. 2016 Budget Non-Veto Statements, 146. Veto Strikethrough Document
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From the County Executive, submitting the 2016 Recommended Budget.