File #: 14-893    Version: 1 Name: Disabilities Birth to Three
Type: Action Report Status: Signed
File created: 11/19/2014 In control: County Clerk
On agenda: Final action: 12/23/2014
Title: From the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting retroactive authorization to increase 2014 Disabilities Services Division Purchase of Service Contracts with Curative Care Network by $37,215, from $1,267,368 to $1,304,583, and with Lutheran Social Services by $13,751, from $246,532 to $260,283, for the provision of Birth to Three Program services. (Referred to the Committees on Health and Human Needs and Finance, Personnel, and Audit)
Attachments: 1. REPORT, 2. RESOLUTION, 3. FISCAL NOTE, 4. CB Resolution (HHN), 5. CB Resolution (FPA), 6. 14-893 SIGNATURE PAGE
Related files: 20-231
From the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting retroactive authorization to increase 2014 Disabilities Services Division Purchase of Service Contracts with Curative Care Network by $37,215, from $1,267,368 to $1,304,583, and with Lutheran Social Services by $13,751, from $246,532 to $260,283, for the provision of Birth to Three Program services.  (Referred to the Committees on Health and Human Needs and Finance, Personnel, and Audit)