File #: 12-988    Version: 1 Name: MOU with Milwaukee Police Department for cellular 9-1-1
Type: Action Report Status: Signed
File created: 11/26/2012 In control: County Clerk
On agenda: Final action: 12/27/2012
Title: From the Fiscal and Budget Administrator, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to enter into a three year Memorandum of Understanding with the Milwaukee Police Department for servicing of cellular 9-1-1 calls placed within or near City limits. (Referred to Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit)
Attachments: 1. REPORT, 2. RESOLUTION, 3. REVISED RESOLUTION, 4. FISCAL NOTE, 5. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT, 6. Audio JSGS 12/06/12, 7. Audio FPA 12/13/12, 8. CB Resolution, 9. 12-988 SIGNATURE PAGE
Related files: 15-747, 12-826
From the Fiscal and Budget Administrator, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to enter into a three year Memorandum of Understanding with the Milwaukee Police Department for servicing of cellular 9-1-1 calls placed within or near City limits.  (Referred to Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit)