File #: 21-771    Version: 1 Name: From the Director of Audits, Audit Services Division, Office of the Comptroller, providing 2020 Countywide Audit Reports
Type: Informational Report Status: Archived
File created: 8/20/2021 In control: County Clerk's Office
On agenda: Final action: 9/15/2021
Title: From the Director of Audits, Audit Services Division, Office of the Comptroller, providing 2020 Countywide Audit Packet of Reports consisting of: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report; Employees' Retirement System Annual Report of the Pension Board; General Mitchell International Airport Schedule of Passenger Facility Charges; Revenues; and Expenses; Milwaukee County Paratransit and Transit System Database Reports; Communications to Those Charged with Governance and Management; and Audit Communications Letter to the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)
Attachments: 1. 21-771 REPORT (2 pages), 2. 21-771 ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT (247 pages), 3. 21-771 SUMMARY OBSERVATIONS (2 pages), 4. 21-771 COMMUNICATION TO GOVERNANCE & MANAGEMENT (20 pages), 5. 21-771 ANNUAL PENSION BOARD REPORT (40 pages), 6. 21-771 SCHEDULE OF PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGES (10 pages), 7. 21-771 REPORTING AND INSIGHTS FROM 2020 AUDIT (44 pages), 8. 21-771 MCTS INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT (9 pages)
Related files: 20-670, 22-945, 24-732, 24-901, 21-906


From the Director of Audits, Audit Services Division, Office of the Comptroller, providing 2020 Countywide Audit Packet of Reports consisting of:  Comprehensive Annual Financial Report; Employees’ Retirement System Annual Report of the Pension Board; General Mitchell International Airport Schedule of Passenger Facility Charges; Revenues; and Expenses; Milwaukee County Paratransit and Transit System Database Reports; Communications to Those Charged with Governance and Management; and Audit Communications Letter to the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)

