From the Manager, Real Estate Services, Department of Transportation and Public Works, requesting authorization to enter into a lease with Giuffre Bros. Cranes, Inc., for freeway land located at the rear of 6635 South 13th Street in the City of Milwaukee.
The Real Estate Section of the Department of Transportation and Public Works is responsible for leasing and managing freeway lands, subject to the approval of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WDOT), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Giuffre Bros. Cranes, Inc. (Giuffre) owns and operates a sales and services center at 6635 South 13th Street in the City of Milwaukee. Giuffre has requested the use of a small strip of freeway land measuring 490 feet in length with an average width of 13.25 feet (6,511 square feet). The subject strip of land is located to the rear of their property and will serve as an extension of their display area of commercial cranes and lifts (exhibit attached). The Real Estate staff has been in contact with the real estate staff of WDOT and they concur with leasing the area to Giuffre by means of a standard five (5) year Air Space lease.
Pursuant to standard procedures, staff obtained an appraisal to determine the fair market rental of the subject land area for the standard five (5) year lease period. The appraiser concluded a fair market rental of $65.00 per month and WDOT has approved the appraiser’s conclusion of value. Giuffre will be relocating the freeway fence at their expense.
Staff requests that the Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors approval of a five (5) year lease commencing May 1, 2011 with Giuffre Bros. Cranes, Inc. and/or assigns at a monthly rental of $65.00 per month. This recommendation is subject to the approval of the WDOT and FHWA.
Adoption of this resolution will result in monthly r...
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