2011 Budget Amendment 1C008: From the Benefits Administrator, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to execute a three-year contract with Buck Consultants for a one-time initial audit of all covered dependents and ongoing verifications of newly covered dependents. (Referred to the Committees on Finance and Audit and Personnel.)
The 2011 operating budget tasked the Employee Benefits Division, with assistance from the Department of Audit, with developing and releasing an RFP for an external administrator to conduct dependent eligibility audits on the County’s behalf.
The RFP followed the procedures outlined in chapter 56.30 of the Milwaukee County code of ordinances, and the successful bidder is required to comply with the disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) policy defined in CFR 49 Part 23 and 26 and Chapter 42 of the Milwaukee County Ordinances.
Although this RFP was delayed by a number of legislative changes throughout the year, the RFP was published at the end of 2011, and the selection process was completed in January 2012. A review panel including representatives from Employee Benefits, the Department of Audit, DAS Fiscal, and County Board Staff was assembled to establish criteria and scoring, and to identify finalists for onsite presentation of proposals. The review panel selected Health Management Solutions (HMS), Medbill Management, and Buck Consultants as finalists.
Finalist Review Process
Finalists were given one hour to present their best and final proposal to the review panel. Additional time was also allotted to each to provide time for questions and answers from the Panel. At the conclusion of all presentations, the Panel reviewed the results of each finalist, and reached unanimous consensus that the proposal by Buck Consultants was the superior bid.
Buck Consultants
Buck Consultants are primarily known for their work as the County’s pension actuaries, but they demonstrated an impre...
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