File #: 13-712    Version: 1 Name: Lapsed Unspent Cash and Lapsed Unspend Bond Proceeds from 2012 Carryover
Type: Action Report Status: Signed
File created: 8/30/2013 In control: County Clerk
On agenda: Final action: 10/25/2013
Title: From the Interim Fiscal and Budget Administrator, Fiscal Affairs Division, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to Reallocate 2012 Lapsed Unspent Cash and 2012 Lapsed Unspent Bond Proceeds from the 2012 Carryover Process to establish Budget Authority for current-year 2013 items.
Attachments: 1. REPORT, 2. RESOLUTION, 3. REVISED RESOLUTION, 4. FISCAL NOTE, 5. REVISED FISCAL NOTE, 6. Audio FPA 09/19/13, 7. CB Resolution
From the Interim Fiscal and Budget Administrator, Fiscal Affairs Division, Department of Administrative Services, requesting authorization to Reallocate 2012 Lapsed Unspent Cash and 2012 Lapsed Unspent Bond Proceeds from the 2012 Carryover Process to establish Budget Authority for current-year 2013 items.