File #: 12-1004    Version: 1 Name: State DV Task Force Support
Type: Resolution Status: Signed
File created: 11/28/2012 In control: County Clerk
On agenda: Final action: 3/29/2013
Title: A resolution requesting that the State of Wisconsin develops a task force to review current State domestic violence law, evaluate implementation of the law, and identify ways in which the law can be strengthened.
Sponsors: Peggy West, Gerry Broderick
Attachments: 1. RESOLUTION, 2. FISCAL NOTE, 3. Audio IGR 03/15/13, 4. CB Resolution, 5. 12-1004 SIGNATURE PAGE
A resolution requesting that the State of Wisconsin develops a task force to review current State domestic violence law, evaluate implementation of the law, and identify ways in which the law can be strengthened.