From the County Executive, appointing Mr. Chris Lindberg to the position of Director of Information Management Services Division - Department of Administrative Services.
Pursuant to Sec. 59.17(2)(b) Wis. Stats, and subject to confirmation of your Honorable Body, I am pleased to appoint Mr. Chris Lindberg to the position of Director of Information Management Services Division for Milwaukee County.
Mr. Lindberg will bring Milwaukee County a depth of experience in strategic planning, technical architecture, content/knowledge management and the implementation of enterprise-grade solutions. While working for as an executive and senior manager in information technology he has managed multi-million dollar budgets and projects. Mr.Lindberg's vision and leadership will further IMSD's goals to serve Milwaukee County Departments and taxpayers.
I am forwarding a copy of Mr. Lindberg's resume to you. You will be hearing from Mr. Lindberg to meet with each of you prior to his confirmation vote.
I am confident that Mr. Lindberg will bring the leadership and vision needed to Information Management Services and I urge you to give this appointment your favorable consideration.
Chris Abele