From the Interim Director, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), submitting an informational report regarding the 2010 Behavioral Health Division Capital Budget Project and issues regarding the recent Statement of Deficiency (SOD). (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)
On June 3, 2010 BHD received a Statement of Deficiency (SOD) from the State of Wisconsin as a result of a recent State Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) survey. This was BHD’s routine four-year survey that encompasses a comprehensive review of the physical plant and its operations. The majority of the citations BHD received were regarding the physical building. BHD was required to respond with an initial plan for corrective action by June 14, 2010 and an immediate corrective action on specified citations by June 25, 2010.
At the July 2010 meetings of the Committees on Health and Human Needs and the Finance and Audit, approved the expenditure authority for $1,825,890 in 2010 BHD Capital Funds to address all SOD related capital conditions by the final deadline of April 1, 2011. BHD has been providing monthly updates to the County Board since that time.
The first requirement of the SOD was to respond to the Conditions, or immediate citations, listed below in Table A, by June 25, 2010. All Conditions were completed by BHD and reviewed by state surveyors during the week of June 28, 2010. At this time, BHD has no outstanding Conditions regarding the initial list for June 25, 2010. It was necessary for BHD to take immediate action to address the SOD citations requiring correction by the June 25, 2010 deadline. The risk of not demonstrating immediate and continuing efforts to respond to the citations would have resulted in sanctions by the State, with the possibility of losing Medicaid certification. Without such certification, the County would have lost significant revenue, similar to the recent occurren...
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