Amending Chapter 9, Code of Ethics, of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances as it relates to confidential information, privileged communications and information acquired in meetings convened in closed session
SECTION 1. Section 9.02 (14) of the General Ordinances of Milwaukee County is amended as follows:
9.02 Definitions
(14) "Privileged information" means information obtained under government authority which has not become a part of the body of public information., including but not limited to information that has been acquired in a meeting convened in closed session under the provisions of Wis. Stats. 19.85, or information contained in a communication labeled as privileged or confidential.
SECTION 2. Section 9.05 of the General Ordinances of Milwaukee County is amended as follows:
9.05. Standards of conduct.
(1) No personal or economic interest in decisions and policies: The county board hereby reaffirms that a county elected official, appointed official or employee holds his/her position as a public trust, and any effort to realize personal gain through official conduct is a violation of that trust. This chapter shall not prevent any county elected official, appointed official or employee from accepting other employment or from following any pursuit which does not interfere with the full and faithful discharge of his/her duties to the county. The county board further recognizes that in a representative democracy, the representatives are drawn from society and, therefore, cannot and should not be without all personal and economic interest in the decisions and policies of government; that citizens who serve as public officials or public employees retain their rights as citizens to interests of a personal or economic nature; that standards of ethical conduct for public employees and public elected and appointed officials need to distinguish between those minor and inconsequential conflicts which are unavoidable in a free society and...
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