From the Manager of Real Estate Services, DTPW, requesting to amend the Professional Service Contract Agreement with the law firm of Lichtsinn & Haensel, S.C. for legal services required for the UWM Innovation Park land sale. (Referred to the Committees on Economic and Community Development and Finance and Audit)
Section 56.30, Milwaukee County Ordinances (“Section 56.30”) provides that a professional service contract to be extended or amended that provides additional reimbursement to the same vendor and extends the total reimbursement beyond fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to the same vendor requires County Board approval.
In November 2007 the office of Milwaukee County Corporation Counsel entered into the attached Professional Services Agreement (“Agreement”), in the amount of $30,000, with the law firm of Lichtsinn & Haensel, S.C. (Attorney Michael D. Orgeman). The Agreement was to provide the County legal assistance for the sale of County-owned land in the Northeast Quadrant of the County Grounds to UWM Innovation Park, LLC. By the attached amendment, the subject Agreement was amended in December 2009, increasing the Agreement amount to a not to exceed amount of $49,500.
The $50,000 limit under Section 56.30 is insufficient to compensate Lichtsinn & Haensel, S.C. for the professional legal services required to close the sale on February 15, 2011 and to provide post-closing legal maintenance and contractual oversight of the County’s interests. Therefore, staff is proposing to amend the Agreement with Lichtsinn & Haensel, S.C., by adding funds in the amount of $15,500, thus increasing the $49,500 cap stated in the Agreement to a not to exceed amount of $65,000.
Staff will also be increasing the professional service contract agreement with Attorney Roy Bradford Evans by $3,450 to a not to exceed amount of $11,050, since Attorney Evans has also provided legal assistance for the UWM Innovation Park transaction. Attorn...
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