From the Director, Department on Aging, requesting authorization to execute the 2012 State and County Contract covering the administration of Social Services and Community Programs - Aging Programs and to accept the federal and state revenues provided thereunder, including any and all increases in allocations during the contract year.
From the Director, Department on Aging, requesting authorization to execute the 2012 State and County Contract covering the administration of Social Services and Community Programs - Aging Programs and to accept the federal and state revenues provided thereunder, including any and all increases in allocations during the contract year.
DATE: November 22, 2011
TO: Sup. Lee Holloway, Chairman, Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors
Sup. Peggy Romo West, Chair, Committee on Health and Human Needs
FROM: Stephanie Sue Stein, Director, Department on Aging
RE: Request for authorization to execute the 2012 State and County Contract Covering Social Services and Community Programs - Aging Programs and to accept the federal and state revenues provided thereunder, including any and all increases in allocations during the contract year
I respectfully request that the attached resolution be scheduled for consideration by the Committee on Health and Human Needs at its meeting on December 7, 2011.
The resolution authorizes the Milwaukee County Executive to execute the 2012 State and County Contract Covering Social Services and Community Programs - Aging Programs between the Milwaukee County Department on aging and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and to accept the federal and state revenues provided thereunder, including any and all increases in allocations during the contract year.
Funds provided under the State/County contract include most of the revenue in the Department's 2012 Adopted Budget. These funds will be used to pay for the services directly provided by Department on Aging employees and for the services purchased by the Department from private
These funds do require a local matching share that is provided, in part, through the County Tax Levy allocated to the Department on Aging in the 2012 Adopted Budget. As in previous years, contract agencies will be required to provide the remainder of the local matching share.
If you have any questions, please call me at 2-6876.
Stephanie Sue Stein, Director
Milwaukee County Department on Aging
cc: County Executive Chris Abele Mary Proctor Brown
Tia Torhorst Nubia Serrano
Jennifer Collins Chester Kuzminsk
Antionette Thomas-Bailey Gary Portenier
Jonette Arms Pat Rogers
Keith Garland