From the Director, Department of Transportation and Public Works, submitting an informational report regarding the status of the O'Donnell Park parking structure improvements project. (Also considered by the Committee on Finance and Audit.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHEWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)
The 2011 Adopted Capital includes O'Donnell Park Improvements with an appropriation of $6,557,830. During the 2011 budget deliberations the County Board requested a detailed plan for these improvements. In November of 2010 the Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) on behalf of the Department of Parks submitted an informational report highlighting the details of the recommended scope of work for the O'Donnell Park Parking Structure improvements. This report was received by the Committees on Transportation, Public Works and Transit and on Finance and Audit and placed on file.
Status on the Façade Restoration Component
The project includes the removal of the precast panels on the parking structure, with the exposed cast-in-place concrete parapet needing some repairs and some form of aesthetic treatment. Staining is the recommended treatment. The precast panels at the stairwells and pavilion structure will remain in place since they are attached to the structure differently. The current building is tied to the Downtown Transit Center building across E. Michigan Street and there are significant amounts of cast-in-place concrete that all need to work together visually. The budget provided for the south side of the structure to use an Exterior Insulation and Finishing System (EIFS) which is a type of building exterior wall cladding system that provides exterior walls with an insulated finished surface and waterproofing in an integrated composite material system. The existing railings will need to be revised to meet current code requirements and will be replaced. Additionally, repairs to the spalling and cracking of parapet walls are included.
Planning and Design Consultant Selection
On Thursday, December 2, 2010, the Request for Proposal (RFP) was advertised. Nine (9) consulting firms received the RFP. These are:
Carl Walker, Inc. Wiss Janney Elstner Associates Inc. (WJE) Bloom Companies LLC
Wellman Architects, Inc INSPEC, Inc. K Singh & Associates
Jan Schroeder F. Louis Kerry Kahler Slater, Inc.
After consultation with County Corporation Counsel, we were advised a proposal from the consultant WJE on either component of the project would not be acceptable because of a conflict of interest. WJE notified us that they currently represent a litigant in a claim against Milwaukee County.
A pre-proposal meeting was held on 12/7/2010. Three (3) firms attended. These are:
Carl Walker, Inc. Wiss Janney ElstnerAssociates Inc. INSPEC, Inc.
On Wednesday, December 15, 2010, three architectural/engineering companies submitted proposals in response to the Milwaukee County RFP to provide architectural and engineering services necessary to improve the parking structure façade at O'Donnell Park in Milwaukee, WI. The three companies were Carl Walker, Inc., Kahler Slater, Inc. and Wellman Architects, Inc. Three DTPW AE&ES professionals formed a selection team to review and decide which firm was best suited to provide architectural and engineering design and consulting services necessary to improve the parking structure at O'Donnell Park Parking Structure. Team members were asked to review and score each submittal. The architectural/engineering company receiving the highest combined score was Carl Walker, Inc.(CWI). CWI was awarded this contract in the amount of $198,000 and given a notice to proceed on 12/28/2010. Documentation of the selection process is available on request. A project kick off meeting was held on 12/28/2010.
Project Schedule
Milestone dates in the proposed schedule include Demolition construction start on 2/23/2011 with completion on 4/20/2011 and Envelope Improvement construction start on 3/28/2011 with completion on 6/22/2011. See the attached schedule for further details.
DBE Participation
A goal of 25% DBE participation was established for this project. Carl Walker Inc. is meeting this goal using K. Singh & Associates, Inc. and M&E Architects and Surveyors, LLC.
Status on the Internal Repair Component
Several areas within the complex are in need of maintenance repairs. A list of repairs was developed recently and is included within this cost. These repairs include monitoring, injection and sealant of existing cracks, repair of storm drainage system, expansion joint repair, handrail repair, concrete spall repair, caulking and sealant and replacement of disturbed landscaping and pavement. Additionally, the project anticipates certain general maintenance costs for continued operation of the parking structure. A large part of this cost is re-sealing of the parking deck. This would typically be required within the next several years and should be considered for inclusion in the overall repairs while the structure is closed. The concrete wearing surface and the post-tensioned slab should be sealed to keep water from penetrating. This may be an elastomeric coating or membrane that resists wear from traffic. Testing of the concrete deck will be performed to better determine the extent of the deck to be sealed and appropriate material to be used. These added maintenance costs are also added to the overall cost of this project.
Planning and Design Consultant Selection
On Thursday, December 2, 2010, the Request for Proposal (RFP) was advertised. RFPs were sent to nine (9) consulting firms. These are:
Carl Walker, Inc. Wiss Janney ElstnerAssociates Inc. (WJE) Bloom Companies LLC
INSPEC, Inc. K Singh & Associates Graef USA
Mead & Hunt SEH, Inc. F. Louis Kerry
After communications with a number of the consultants who received a RFP, it was determined that the scope of work for this component was documented sufficiently with prior reports and descriptions that a pre-proposal meeting was not warranted.
On Wednesday, December 15, 2010, one (1) architectural/engineering company responded to a Milwaukee County Request for Proposals to provide architectural and engineering services necessary to repair the internal areas of the parking structure at O'Donnell Park in Milwaukee, WI. The company was Graef USA. Three DTPW AE&ES professionals formed a selection team to review and decide which firm was best suited to provide architectural and engineering design and consulting services necessary to repair internal areas of the parking structure at O'Donnell Park Parking Structure. Team members were asked to review and score the single submittal from Graef USA. The submittal was found to be responsible, responsive and in order. Graef USA was awarded this contract in the amount of $97,000 and given a notice to proceed on 12/28/2010. Documentation of the selection process is available on request. A project kickoff meeting was held in the first week in January, 2011.
Project Schedule
Milestone dates in the proposed schedule include Internal Repair construction start on 3/21/2011 with completion on 6/3/2011. See the attached schedule for further details.
DBE Participation
A goal of 10% DBE participation was established for this project. Graef USA is meeting this goal using K. Singh & Associates, Inc.
Approved by:
________________________________ ___________________________
Jack H. Takerian, Director Gregory G. High, P.E.
Department of Transportation & Public Works Director, AE&ES Div., DTPW
Attachments: 1. Projected Façade Restoration Project Schedule
2. Projected Internal Repair Project Schedule
cc: Lee Holloway, County Executive
Supervisor John Weishan, Vice-Chair Transportation, Public Works & Transit Committee
Terry Cooley, Chief of Staff, County Board of Supervisors
Jerry Heer, Director, Department of Audit
Sue Black, Director, Department of Parks
Timothy Schoewe, Interim Corporation Counsel
John Schapekahm, Principal Assistant Corporation Counsel
Jason Gates, Director, Risk Management
Steve Cady, Fiscal & Budget Analyst, County Board
Brian Dranzik, Director, Administration Division, DTPW
Jodi Mapp, TPW/T Committee Clerk
Martin Weddle, Research Analyst, County Board
Pam Bryant, Capital Finance Manager, Administration & Fiscal Affairs Division, DAS