From the Director, Department of Transportation and Public Works, submitting an informational report regarding the 2011 Adopted Capital Budget internal and external building evaluation and repair project status. (Referred to the Committees on Transportation, Public Works, and Transit and Finance and Audit.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)
In the Adopted 2011 Capital Improvement Budget, there are two projects that involve internal and external building evaluations and exterior façade repairs on selected Milwaukee County buildings. One project is WO114 - Countywide Infrastructure Improvements. Financing for this project is provided from the reallocation of expenditure authority and revenues of $8,169,849 in General Obligation Bonds issued in 2010, $2,848,381 of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) Land Sale Revenue, $636,400 of airport miscellaneous revenue, and $240,000 of Insurance Proceeds. The other project is WO949 Inventory and Assessment of County Buildings. Financing for this project is provided from $1,168,319 of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) Land Sale Revenue for general county facilities and $422,400 of airport miscellaneous revenue for Airport Facilities.
In the January 2011, the County Board approved the revision of the agreement involving the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) Land Sale Revenue used to fund a portion of these projects. This report discusses the impacts of this action as regards the project budget and schedule for this critical infrastructure related work. A brief description of the work and the potential impacts are presented below.
WO114 - Countywide Infrastructure Improvements
An appropriation of $11,894,631is budgeted for infrastructure improvements of various County facilities as detailed for each sub-project below.
WO11401 O'Donnell Park Improvements
An appropriation of $6,557,830 is budgeted for repairs to the O'Donnell Park parking structure. Financing is provided from $6,019,849 in general obligation bonds and $540,382 in UWM land sale revenue. As the project proceeds, some of the work items currently identified as eligible for bond financing may be determined to be major maintenance and therefore would require cash financing. Preliminary indications are that the $6 million in general obligation bonds should be sufficient to complete the work.
WO11403 City Campus Façade and Other Inspections
An appropriation of $260,000 is budgeted to repair the façade at City Campus and to inspect the facades of the General Mitchell International Airport (GMIA) Parking Structure, the Marcus Center PAC Office Tower, the Criminal Justice Facility and the Safety Building, as required in compliance with the City of Milwaukee Ordinance 275-23-13e. Financing is provided from $220,000 in UWM land sale revenue and $40,000 in airport miscellaneous revenue for the GMIA parking structure inspection. All of these work items are identified major maintenance and therefore require cash financing. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for the major maintenance work items not located at the airport.
WO11405 Museum Façade Repair and Replacement
An appropriation of $1,400,000 is budgeted for the cleaning/replacement of shelf angles and the repair/replacement of the marble veneer panels at the Milwaukee Public Museum. In addition, a new flashing system will be designed, detailed, and installed. As this project proceeds, some of the work currently identified as eligible for bond financing may be determined to be major maintenance and therefore would require cash financing. Financing is provided from the reallocation of $1,400,000 in general obligation bonds. This project is proceeding on schedule with the budget in place.
WO11406 Safety Building Restorationju
An appropriation of $750,000 is budgeted for restoring the existing exterior masonry at the facades on the roof area and the interior wall surfaces of the Safety Building. This work will also include tuckpointing and restoration of the brick masonry of the exterior walls in the Sheriff's Gym Light Court #1. New metal copings will be installed on the parapet walls around light court. Also, the interior room finishes and upper floor of light court will be repaired. As this project proceeds, some of the work currently identified as eligible for bond financing may be determined to be major maintenance and therefore would require cash financing. Financing is provided from the reallocation of $750,000 in general obligation bonds. This project is proceeding on schedule with the budget in place.
WO11407 GMIA & LJT Airport Improvements
An appropriation of $596,400 is budgeted for infrastructure improvements at General Mitchell International Airport (GMIA) and Lawrence J. Timmerman Airport. A majority of the appropriation ($360,000) is for epoxy sealant for the walls of the GMIA D Concourse. Other improvements include installing roof flashing caps, caulking, repairing masonry, repairing/replacing windows, replacing metal panels, and performing close up examinations. Financing is provided from airport miscellaneous revenue. This project is proceeding on schedule with the budget in place
WO11409 Research Park Infrastructure Improvements
An appropriation of $27,600 is budgeted for infrastructure improvements at the Technology Innovation Center. These improvements include the repairing of a concrete soffit, the securing of the roof flashing, the repairing of a stone parapet cap, and the repairing of the sealant of the stone parapet caps. Financing is provided from UWM land sale revenue. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for these major maintenance work items.
WO11410 County Grounds Improvements
An appropriation of $120,000 is budgeted to repair a balcony and spalled brick masonry at the Vel R. Phillips Juvenile Justice Center. Financing is provided from UWM land sale revenue. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for these major maintenance work items.
WO11411 Courthouse Complex Improvements
An appropriation of $996,000 is budgeted for infrastructure improvements at the Criminal Justice Facility and the Safety Building. The majority of the appropriation ($960,000) is budgeted to caulk all building faces of the Criminal Justice Facility. Other improvements include repairing panels, anchoring bird control strips/pipe railing, repairing spalled quirk-miter, and removing loose stone at a cornice. Financing is provided from UWM land sale revenue. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for these major maintenance work items.
WO11412 HOC Infrastructure Improvements
An appropriation of $62,400 is budgeted for infrastructure improvements at the House of Corrections. These improvements include repairing cracks in precast panels, replacing/tightening silo steel bars, repairing a roof guardrail, repairing masonry coping, repairing a glass block window, repairing a lintel plate, and other minor items. Financing is provided from UWM land sale revenue. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for these major maintenance work items.
WO11413 DHHS Infrastructure Improvements
An appropriation of $6,000 is budgeted for infrastructure improvements at the Marcia P. Coggs Human Services Center. The improvements include repairing an exterior insulation finishing system, securing a metal panel, securing a cable enclosure, and replacing a missing drain gate. Financing is provided from UWM land sale revenue. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for these major maintenance work items.
WO11414 Senior Center Infrastructure Improvements
An appropriation of $36,000 is budgeted to repair the wood decking at the Washington Park Senior Center. Financing is provided from UWM land sale revenue. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for these major maintenance work items.
WO11415 Trimborn Farm Infrastructure Improvements
An appropriation of $24,000 is budgeted to repair a concrete structure at Trimborn Farm. Financing is provided from UWM land sale revenue. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for these major maintenance work items.
WO11416 Transit Infrastructure Improvements
An appropriation of $355,200 is budgeted for infrastructure improvements at various Transit Center locations. A majority of the appropriation ($240,000) is for the repair of connections for the south precast panel at the Downtown Transit Center. Other improvements that are being done throughout the network of buildings include repairing a plaster ceiling, repairing cracked precast beams, repairing mortar joint cracks, rebuilding a masonry pier, tuckpointing, replacing signage, repairing cracked brick pilasters, reattaching metal panels, removing deteriorated light fixtures, and reseting/repairing concrete coping. Financing is provided from $240,000 of anticipated insurance proceeds and $115,200 of UWM land sale revenue. All of these work items are identified major maintenance and therefore require cash financing that is provided in part by the land sale revenue. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for the major maintenance work items not covered by the insurance proceeds.
WO11417 Parks Infrastructure Improvements
An appropriation of $466,800 is budgeted for infrastructure improvements at various Parks. A bulk of the appropriation ($342,000) is for improvements at the Sheridan Park Bathhouse, the South Shore Pavilion, and for the repair of concrete at the Brown Deer Park Clubhouse. Improvements at the Sheridan Park Bathhouse include repairing the cornice stones, repairing the cornice sealant joints, repairing the chimney, repairing the brick corner pier, tuckpointing, repairing the lintel, and repairing spalled brick. Improvements at the South Shore Pavilion include cleaning/repairing the gutters, removing the loose brick faces, replacing brick/stone, and replacing lintels. The improvements in the rest of the Parks system include replacing broken glass panes, replacing cracked concrete, repairing/replacing chimneys, repairing concrete soffits, patching removed concrete, repairing wood/stucco, repairing sealant joints, stabilizing concrete panels, repairing leaky pipes, and repairing a concrete beam. Financing is provided from UWM land sale revenue. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for these major maintenance work items.
WO11418 Zoo Infrastructure Improvements
An appropriation of $234,000 is budgeted for infrastructure improvements at the Milwaukee County Zoo. These improvements include blasting clean steel tubing, replacing sealant joints, cleaning/repairing columns, tuckpointing, repairing spalls, reseting/replacing loose stone. The appropriation will also be used to complete additional inspections and to perform minor repairs. Financing is provided from UWM land sale revenue. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for these major maintenance work items.
WO949 Inventory and Assessment of County Buildings
An appropriation of $1,590,719 is requested to complete the county-wide Inventory & Assessment program at various Milwaukee County building locations. This assessment will provide data that is necessary for the development of a 5-year capital improvement plan along with life cycle analysis for the facilities. Financing is provided from $1,168,319 of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) Land Sale Revenue for general county facilities and $422,400 of airport miscellaneous revenue for Airport Facilities. All of these work items are identified as relating to building major maintenance and therefore require cash financing that is provided in part by the land sale revenue. The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is working with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to secure alternative funding sources for the major maintenance work items not located at the airport.
WO114 - Countywide Infrastructure Improvements
In the Fall of 2010, the County completed an emergency façade evaluation of 106 additional County buildings meeting the City of Milwaukee Ordinance criteria for façade inspection as well as buildings meeting other criteria to include all buildings with masonry facades. This façade "evaluation", while not as detailed as the façade "inspection", is intended to discover and remove immediately any hazardous conditions on the building exteriors. A summary of the results of these façade evaluations indicated that there were substantial repairs that need to take place within the next year. The work described above was included in the 2011 Adopted Capital Improvement Budget because of the urgency in completing these repairs
WO949 Inventory and Assessment of County Buildings
The way infrastructure is used or operated by County departments is essential in developing a comprehensive county capital improvement needs assessment. Setting capital improvement and major maintenance priorities County wide is extremely complicated. The work described above was included in the 2011 Adopted Capital Improvement Budget because of the urgency in completing the Inventory and Assessment so policy makers can make informed decisions in setting priorities for the future.
Prepared by: Gregory G. High
Approved by:
________________________________ ___________________________
Jack Takerian, Director Gregory G. High
Transportation & Public Works Director, AE&ES Div., DTPW
cc: County Executive Marvin Pratt
Supervisor Lee Holloway, Chairperson, County Board of Supervisors
Supervisor John Weishan, Vice-Chair Transportation, Public Works & Transit Committee
Terry Cooley, Chief of Staff
E. Marie Broussard, Deputy Chief of Staff
Jerry Heer, Director, Department of Audit
Jason Gates, Director, Risk Management
Steve Cady, Fiscal & Budget Analyst, County Board
Brian Dranzik, Director, Administration Division, DTPW
Jodi Mapp, TPW/T Committee Clerk
Martin Weddle, Research Analyst, County Board
Pam Bryant, Capital Finance Manager, Administration & Fisc