From the Interim Chief Information Officer, submitting an informational report regarding the electronic medical records system. (Also to the Committee on Judiciary, Safety, & General Services.) (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)
Date : January 4, 2011
To : Supervisor Willie Johnson Jr., Chair, Judiciary Committee
Supervisor Peggy West, Chair, Health and Human Needs Committee
From : Laurie Panella, Interim Chief Information Officer, IMSD
Subject: Informational Report: Capital Project WO444 - Electronic Medical Records System
The 2010 Budget included an appropriation for capital improvement project WO444 Electronic Medical Records System to replace the current system in place at the Office of the Sheriff (MCSO) and to implement a new Electronic Medical Records (EMR) System for the Behavioral Health Division (BHD).
This report is intended to provide an informational update on the progress of the EMR project and the anticipated phases to complete the project.
The EMR project is broken down into the following four (4) phases:
Phase 1 - Planning and Design
Phase 2 - RFP Process and Vendor Selection
Phase 3 - Implementation
Phase 4 - Closeout and Audit
The EMR project began in August of 2010 with the selection of the Joxel Group, LLC, (TJG) for project management services. Approval was granted by the Finance and Audit Committee to execute a contract for Phase 1 (Planning and Design) with the option of amending the contract to include subsequent phases.
Phase 1 (Planning and Design)
Phase 1 - Planning and Design for the EMR project has been completed at this time. Phase 1 included extensive interviews with BHD and MCSO resources and staff across functional areas of both departments. The interviews for both the departments included management, Medical Directors, Nursing Supervisors and staff, Social Workers, and resources from functional areas such as intake, outpatient, crisis services acute services, long-term care, day treatment, dietary, pharmacy, lab, radiology, rehab, medical records, quality improvement, IT, and Fiscal. The interviews resulted in a list of business and technical requirements, identification of the critical success factors for the project, and the documentation of business processes for both BHD and MCSO that are relevant to an EMR solution. The requirements and process flows were then validated with various stakeholders at BHD and MCSO to ensure that a comprehensive and accurate list of requirements was detailed for the creation of the Request for Proposal (RFP). Meetings were also scheduled with Accenture, the current IT/data processing contractor for BHD, to ensure that the system requirements were integrated into the RFP for seamless integration of BHD operations from an ongoing standpoint. In December 2011, BHD signed a 2-month contract extension with Accenture (January 1, 2011 - February 28, 2011). BHD is currently working with Corporation Counsel and Cambridge Advisory Group to negotiate a future contract extension with Accenture for 2011. If an extension is granted, enhanced language will be included to further ensure smooth transition of data and prioritize work services for the implementation of an EMR system.
Phase 2 (RFP and Vendor Selection)
Phase 2 is currently in process and will incorporate the specifications gathered during the Planning and Design phase and will ultimately result in an RFP to consider potential EMR solutions.
Upon receiving responses to the RFP, a panel will be convened consisting of representatives from MCSO, BHD, Information Management Services Division, and TJG to review responses, conduct vendor interviews, vendor selection, and negotiate a contract for the EMR solution. The final product of Phase 2 will be contract consideration and approval by the County Board of Supervisors for the implementation of the proposed EMR system(s).
As Phase 2 of this capital improvement project continues for EMR selection, it is anticipated the outcome of this phase will govern and significantly impact the remaining phases and project milestones for successful completion. As we progress from Phase 2 to subsequent phases, we will provide informational updates to this Committee to keep your appraised on our progress.
The Interim Chief Information Officer respectfully requests this report to be received and placed on file.
Laurie Panella, IMSD
Interim Chief Information Officer
cc: County Executive Lee Holloway
Chairman Michael Mayo Sr., County Board of Supervisors
Terrance Cooley, Chief of Staff, County Executive Office
Lynne DeBruin, Vice Chair, Judiciary Committee
Marina Dimitrijevic, Vice Chair, Health and Human Services
Sheriff David Clark
Renee Booker, Director, Department of Administrative Services
Geri Lyday, Director, Health and Human Services
Linda Durham, Judiciary Committee Clerk
Rick Ceschin, Judiciary Research Analyst
Jodi Mapp, Health and Human Services Committee Clerk
Jennifer Collins, Health and Human Services Research Analyst
Alexandra Kotze, Fiscal and Management Analyst, Behavioral Health Department
Allison Rozek, Fiscal and Management Analyst, Department of Administrative Services
Sushil Pillai, The Joxel Group