Meeting Name: Committee on Intergovernmental Relations Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/31/2014 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 201-B
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
14-104 11Support Family Care ExpansionAction ReportFrom the Director, Department on Aging, requesting authorization to support the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) recommendation that Family Care be expanded to include the remaining fifteen counties in Wisconsin that currently do not have the benefit and to authorize and direct the Department of Government Affairs to communicate Milwaukee County’s position to state policymakers and DHS administrators.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
14-111 12From the County Executive, a resolution in support of federal and state legislation to raise and index the minimum wage.Action ReportA resolution in support of federal and state legislation to raise and index the minimum wage.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
14-115 13Opposition to Assembly Bill 540Action ReportFrom the Director, Department of Child Support Services, requesting Milwaukee County’s opposition to Assembly Bill 540.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-737 14Alexander sub BHD billing resolutionResolutionA resolution urging the State of Wisconsin to create and pass legislation placing a one-year limit on the timeframe in which insurance companies and third party payers seeking recoupment of previously paid claims may notify the service provider of such intent. (09/20/13: Laid Over to the Call of the Chair)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
14-16 152014 Legislative UpdatesReference FileFrom Intergovernmental Relations staff, 2014 legislative updates. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)INFORMATIONAL ONLY  Action details Video Video