Meeting Name: Finance and Audit Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/12/2013 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 203R
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
13-887 112013-2014 BJA DTC Grant Award 2013-DC-BX-0034Action ReportFrom the Chief Judge, requesting authorization to receive a Fiscal Year 2013 United States Bureau of Justice Assistance Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant award in the amount of $156,848 for provision of Cognitive Behavioral Intervention and Trauma Informed Care services in the Milwaukee County Adult Drug Treatment Court and to issue a competitive Request for Proposals for provision of these services. (Referred to the Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-850 12Permission to Contract with SojournerAction ReportFrom the District Attorney, requesting authorization to execute a contract in the amount of $340,496 with Sojourner Family Peace Center to implement a Federal Domestic Violence Grant for the approximate period of January 1, 2014, to December 31, 2016. (Referred to the Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-854 13ATTIC Treatment ClassesAction ReportFrom the Superintendent, House of Correction, requesting approval of an amendment to a contract for an additional expenditure in the amount of $24,003 with ATTIC for the provision of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse treatment and Cognitive Intervention Programming classes. (Referred to the Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-855 14SCRAMx Electronic Monitoring 2013Action ReportFrom the Superintendent, House of Correction, requesting approval of a partial-year contract for Electronic Monitoring Unit services with Wisconsin Community Services, Inc., in an amount just over $94,000 for the provision of Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring services. (Referred to the Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-949 15An ordinance to maintain the status quo for certain bargaining unitsOrdinanceA resolution to extend, on a temporary basis, employee compensation and other policies to employees holding positions in non-public safety worker certified bargaining units, until the County Board reviews and adopts ordinance amendments addressing these matters.LAID OVERFail Action details Video Video
13-949 1 An ordinance to maintain the status quo for certain bargaining unitsOrdinanceA resolution to extend, on a temporary basis, employee compensation and other policies to employees holding positions in non-public safety worker certified bargaining units, until the County Board reviews and adopts ordinance amendments addressing these matters.CONSIDERED A SUBSTITUTEPass Action details Video Video
13-949 1 An ordinance to maintain the status quo for certain bargaining unitsOrdinanceA resolution to extend, on a temporary basis, employee compensation and other policies to employees holding positions in non-public safety worker certified bargaining units, until the County Board reviews and adopts ordinance amendments addressing these matters.ADOPTED AS SUBSTITUTEPass Action details Video Video
13-606 16Attorney's contractResolutionFrom the Labor Relations Specialist, Department of Labor Relations, requesting ratification of the 2012 and 2013 Memoranda of Agreement between Milwaukee County and the Association of Milwaukee County Attorneys. (07/18/13 & 09/19/13: Laid Over)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-607 17Nurses ContractAction ReportFrom the Labor Relations Specialist, Department of Labor Relations, requesting ratification of the 2013 Memorandum of Agreement between Milwaukee County and the Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals. (07/18/13 & 09/19/13: Laid Over)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-608 18Machinists ContractAction ReportFrom the Labor Relations Specialist, Department of Labor Relations, requesting ratification of the 2013 Memorandum of Agreement between Milwaukee County and District 10 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. (07/18/13 & 09/19/13: Laid Over)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-609 19TEAMCO COntractAction ReportFrom the Labor Relations Specialist, Department of Labor Relations, requesting ratification of the 2012 and 2013 Memoranda of Agreement between Milwaukee County and the Technicians, Engineers and Architects of Milwaukee County. (07/18/13 & 09/19/13: Laid Over)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-610 110Trades ContractAction ReportFrom the Labor Relations Specialist, Department of Labor Relations, requesting ratification of the 2012 and 2013 Memoranda of Agreement between Milwaukee County and the Milwaukee Building & Construction Trades Council - American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). (07/18/13 & 09/19/13: Laid Over)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-882 111FF ContractAction ReportFrom the Labor Relations Specialist, Labor Relations Division, Department of Human Resources, requesting ratification of the 2012 to 2014 Memoranda of Agreement between Milwaukee County and the Milwaukee County Fire Fighters Association, International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 1072.APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-775 112ERS Ordinance ReportOrdinanceFrom the Manager of the Employees Retirement System, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to amend Section 201.24(3.11) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances, to clarify the Criteria of Terminated Employee Contribution Refunds, Allow Additional Time to Make Informed Decisions and Ease the Administrative Process by the Employees Retirement System. (Referred to the Committee on Finance, Personnel and Audit, the Pension Study Commission, and the Pension Board.) (10/31/13: Laid Over for One Meeting)CONSIDERED A SUBSTITUTEPass Action details Video Video
13-775 1 ERS Ordinance ReportOrdinanceFrom the Manager of the Employees Retirement System, Department of Human Resources, requesting authorization to amend Section 201.24(3.11) of the Milwaukee County Code of General Ordinances, to clarify the Criteria of Terminated Employee Contribution Refunds, Allow Additional Time to Make Informed Decisions and Ease the Administrative Process by the Employees Retirement System. (Referred to the Committee on Finance, Personnel and Audit, the Pension Study Commission, and the Pension Board.) (10/31/13: Laid Over for One Meeting)ADOPTED AS SUBSTITUTEPass Action details Video Video
13-946 1132013 Job Analysis & Evaluation ProjectResolutionFrom the Director, Department of Human Resources, submitting an update on the 2013 Job Analysis and Evaluation Project. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-900 115Social Services and Community ProgramsAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to enter into a 2014 Contract with the State of Wisconsin for social services and community programs. (Referred to the Committees on Health and Human Needs and Finance, Personnel, and Audit.)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
13-903 116Disabilities POSAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to enter into 2014 Disabilities Services Division Purchase of Service Contracts for the Disability Resource Center, children’s programs, and adults with disabilities. (Referred to the Committees on Health and Human Needs and Finance, Personnel, and Audit.)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
13-904 117Disability Resource Center contractAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to execute a contract with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to operate the Disability Resource Center under the Family Care Program for the period January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2014, and to accept $2,074,753 in revenue. (Referred to the Committees on Health and Human Needs and Finance, Personnel, and Audit.)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
13-908 118BHD Professional ServicesAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Health and Human Services, requesting authorization to enter into 2014 Professional Services Contracts for the Behavioral Health Division. (Referred to the Committees on Health and Human Needs and Finance, Personnel, and Audit.)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
13-894 1192014 State and County Contract - Aging ProgramsAction ReportFrom the Director, Department on Aging, requesting authorization to execute the 2014 State and County Contract covering the administration of Social Services and Community Programs - Aging Programs and to accept the federal and state revenues provided thereunder, including any and all increases in allocations during the contract year. (Referred to the Committees on Health and Human Needs and Finance, Personnel, and Audit.)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
13-895 1202014 Aging Resource Center ContractAction ReportFrom the Director, Department on Aging, requesting authorization to execute a contract with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) enabling the Department on Aging to serve as the Aging Resource Center of Milwaukee County under Family Care, for the period January 1, through December 31, 2014, and to accept $2,773,238 and such other revenues as DHS may award to operate the Resource Center in 2014. (Referred to the Committees on Health and Human Needs and Finance, Personnel, and Audit.)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
13-896 1212014 Program and Service ContractsAction ReportFrom the Director, Department on Aging, requesting authorization to execute 2014 Program and Service Contracts. (Referred to the Committees on Health and Human Needs and Finance, Personnel, and Audit.)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Not available
13-950 122Increase funding for 2013 Nutrition Site Supervision ServicesAction ReportFrom Director, Department on Aging, requesting authorization to increase by $30,000 from $240,000 to $270,000, the contract with Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc., to provide Nutrition Site Supervision Services in 2013, originally authorized under File No. 13-19.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-951 1232014 Program and Service Contract between $100,000 and $300,000Action ReportFrom the Director, Department on Aging, requesting authorization to execute 2014 Program and Service Contracts budgeted between $100,000 and $300,000.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-893 124Resolution to establish a policy on non-reimbursement of special charges and assessments on delinqent prop. taxesResolutionFrom the Milwaukee County Treasurer, requesting authorization to establish a policy that allows the option of non-reimbursement to municipalities in the August settlement process for all special assessments and special charges included in the tax roll which have not been previously paid to the proper municipal treasurer.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-931 125Tropical Dome Inspection and RepairAction ReportFrom the Director, Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture, and Department of Administrative Services - Architectural, Engineering and Environmental Services staff, seeking authorization of payment to Graef-USA for professional services in an amount not to exceed $200,000 for the inspection and stabilization of the pre-cast concrete structure in the Tropical Dome. (Referred to the Committees on Parks, Energy and Environment and Finance, Personnel and Audit)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-947 126Contract amendment for Whyte, Hirschboeck & Dudek, S.C.Informational ReportFrom Corporation Counsel, submitting a report pertaining to a contract amendment in the amount of $75,000 for a total contract sum of $200,000 with Whyte, Hirschboeck and Dudek S.C. for O’Donnell Park claims. (INFORMATIONAL ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE COMMITTEE)DISCUSSED WITH NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Video Video
13-944 1272013 Appropriation Transfer Packet - December 2013 CycleAction ReportFrom the Director, Office of Performance, Strategy and Budget, Department of Administrative Services, submitting a 2013 Appropriation Transfer Packet for the December 2013 Cycle.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-755 128Alternatives to IncarcerationAction ReportFrom the Director of Audits, Office of the Comptroller, submitting an audit report titled “Electronic Monitoring can Achieve Substantive Savings for Milwaukee County, but Only if Pursued on a Large Scale with Satisfactory Compliance Rates” and requesting County Board action to receive and place on file the said audit report and requesting concurrence with the audit recommendations provided therein.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-907 129Reimburse Estabrook Dam with Future GO BondsAction ReportFrom the Milwaukee County Comptroller, requesting authorization to reimburse the Estabrook Dam Rehabilitation capital project with future General Obligation Bonds.APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-909 130Reallocate 2010 Bonds to the Snow Removal Building ProjectAction ReportFrom the Milwaukee County Comptroller, requesting authorization to reallocate $11,789,072 in 2010 Passenger Facility Charged revenue backed General Airport Revenue Bonds from the Snow Removal Equipment Storage Building capital project to the Baggage Claim Remodeling capital project.APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass Action details Video Video
13-876 131Resolution to Amend Contract for Buelow VetterResolutionFrom Corporation Counsel, requesting authorization to amend a contract with Buelow, Vetter, Buikema, Olson & Vliet, LLC, resulting in an increase of $50,000, to represent the County in labor relations matters. (Referred to the Committees on Judiciary, Safety and General Services and Finance, Personnel and Audit)APPROVED & RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONFail Action details Video Video