From the Director, Department on Aging, requesting authorization to award an additional $10,000 to IMPACT Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services, Inc., increasing the 2011 award from $20,000 to $30,000 to provide after-hours telephone coverage for Elderlink.
DATE: February 23, 2011
TO: Sup. Lee Holloway, Chairman, Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors
Sup. Peggy West, Chairperson, Committee on Health and Human Needs
FROM: Stephanie Sue Stein, Director, Department on Aging
RE: Request for authorization to amend File No. 11-34 (a) (a) and award an additional $10,000 to IMPACT Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services, Inc., increasing the 2011 award to provide After Hours Telephone Coverage for Elderlink from $20,000 to $30,000
I respectfully request that the attached resolution be scheduled for consideration by the Committee on Health and Human Needs at its meeting on March 9, 2011.
The attached resolution authorizes the Director, Department on Aging, to amend File No. 11-34 (a)(a) and award an additional $10,000 to IMPACT Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services, Inc., increasing the 2011 award to provide After Hours Telephone Coverage for Elderlink from $20,000 to $30,000.
IMPACT provides after hours telephone coverage for the Department’s Information and Assistance (I&A) program. This service ensures seniors and their families’ access to essential services during hours the Department is closed. Under the contract, IMPACT provides information to callers on services for the elderly and, if a caller might need immediate assistance, contacts the Department’s on-call case manager. The case manager evaluates the caller’s needs and determines (1) whether immediate assistance is needed or (2) if service can be scheduled for the following work day.
IMPACT has administered this program for Milwaukee County Department on Aging since the program began in 2003. The proposed increase will bring funds in line with labor costs and other operating expenses. ...
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