File #: 16-200    Version: 1 Name: Additional funding request for protective netting and long-term planning costs related to existing capital project WP49001 - Mitchell Park Domes.
Type: Action Report Status: Unsigned
File created: 2/22/2016 In control: County Clerk
On agenda: Final action: 3/23/2016
Title: From the Director, Office of Performance, Strategy, and Budget, Department of Administrative Services, requesting an administrative appropriation transfer in the amount of $500,000 from Org.1800-1945 - Appropriation for Contingencies, to increase expenditure authority for 2015 Adopted Capital Project WP49001 - Mitchell Park Domes Long Range Planning for the installation of protective netting and long-range planning options.
Attachments: 1. REPORT, 2. RESOLUTION, 3. SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION, 4. FISCAL NOTE, 5. SUBSTITUTE FISCAL NOTE, 6. CONTINGENCY SUMMARY ($700,000 estimate), 7. CB Resolution, 8. 16-200 SIGNATURE PAGE, 9. 16-200 CB Amendment 1.pdf, 10. 16-200 CEX Unsigned Memo.pdf, 11. 16-200 Engrossed.pdf
Related files: 16-218, 16-127, 15-626, 17-554, 16-136, 17-446, 16-178, 16-636, 17-441, 15-601, 16-378, 16-220, 22-980, 22-1184, 22-407, 17-779, 18-65, 23-787, 17-784, 19-492, 19-677, 19-802, 19-806, 21-772, 21-1070, 22-697, HRA22-273, 23-666


From the Director, Office of Performance, Strategy, and Budget, Department of Administrative Services, requesting an administrative appropriation transfer in the amount of $500,000 from Org.1800-1945 - Appropriation for Contingencies, to increase expenditure authority for 2015 Adopted Capital Project WP49001 - Mitchell Park Domes Long Range Planning for the installation of protective netting and long-range planning options.

